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Posts posted by DeadAngel333

  1. Thats understandable if its tier related. Currently I am using tier 1/2 stuff. Spider armor Koi armor which perhaps are designed to break very fast. I think losing durability from drowning/thirst/hunger should be removed/looked at. But even when it comes to dying to an enemy the mechanic just doesnt quite make sense to me.. You've already lost durabilty from them biting you leading to your death but is the idea that they also take bite of your armor and currently equipped tools after you have died just to spite you? 

  2. Speaking from experience of playing as a two player multiplayer, I do not think the enemies were that big of an issue. It was unexpectedly difficult but once I realised that, it was just about having to perfect parry everything.

    I personally enjoyed this as it balances out that most enemies can be cheesed with a bow and arrow and I am a big dark souls fan, however I can see how players looking for a casual experience would say the current normal difficulty is more expected on hard then normal.


    Agreed with afk thirst death breaking armor being very annoying 

  3. Currently armor loses durability when you are attacked and your tools/weapons lose durability when you hit/attack things. This makes perfect sense however when you die your armor and currently held tools lose a bonus chunk of durability. This means if you drown while holding a sword and shield and wearing armor they will break. If you starve to death your tools and armor loose durability. This on top of regular durability drain makes the game feel like you are constantly seeking out the same materials to fix your equipment rather than getting to look for resources to make more advance tools.

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