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Everything posted by killerlaur

  1. Kawachi! Have you tried messing with the NVIDIA setttings, if it's anything like the ATI control panel there will be something that doesn't use the application settings if so you might want to change those settings so it does use the Applications settings. However I don't know anything I'm just here to looking at the technical forums to see what I might be getting into when this game finally arrives. Anyway heres to your hair growing back! That is all.
  2. So well around March the 28th I decided that it would be a good idea to buy the game from CDWOW so this is kinda a warning for those people who are interested that CDWOW actually doesn't have the item in stock. Also pity me, waiting an extra 1-4 weeks to get Alpha Protocol on my hands seems rather saddening. So tell me guys is it great, is it comparable to mask of the betrayer? (yes I know there is a first impressions stickied)
  3. I believe the half project would be InExile's hunted 2 see the site no mutants allowed
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