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Posts posted by Jokerman89

  1. I haven't played the game, but considering that Veteran starts with 3 points in every skill, it should actually significantly reduce the challenge.




    All it does if you remove points from skills you dont want....you can start with max points on about 4 skills (the max for your level) By the ends i was killing bosses with 4-5 shotgun blasts :ermm:

  2. Yea I understand how it is supposed to work now but I cant for the life of me gain control over the block of characters controlled by the mouse. Even if I know right from the start where to place it I dont think I would be able to navigate there in time. The mouse controls for this minigame are just horrendous.


    I think im going to just not play until this is fixed.


    Some people have no problem doing it, so I'd hardly call it "broken."




    Yea i hack every PC i come across, i find it so easy i dont even skip one out of cant be assed ness. Whats hard about it? Just find the letters not moving and match them up with one of the 2 at the top


    right and left sticks to move and rt and lt to place the code on top of the matching code (on 360) Its pretty simple...and you should be able to do it pretty fast.

    How about you try reading the text you are quoting.



    :ermm: My bad....didnt really mean to quote anyone then.

  3. This might be my fav game of the year...even more so than Mass effect 2 and red dead. It reminds me of the great deus ex with how reactive everything is....I find it real easy to look pass bugs (have not had a game ender) Graphics....because the story is great and the characters a joy to interact with.


    I am all for choices and story...this is my perfect game :ermm:

  4. Yea I understand how it is supposed to work now but I cant for the life of me gain control over the block of characters controlled by the mouse. Even if I know right from the start where to place it I dont think I would be able to navigate there in time. The mouse controls for this minigame are just horrendous.


    I think im going to just not play until this is fixed.


    Some people have no problem doing it, so I'd hardly call it "broken."




    Yea i hack every PC i come across, i find it so easy i dont even skip one out of cant be assed ness. Whats hard about it? Just find the letters not moving and match them up with one of the 2 at the top


    right and left sticks to move and rt and lt to place the code on top of the matching code (on 360) Its pretty simple...and you should be able to do it pretty fast.

  5. I'm feeling very skeptical about this game now, looking at these 5-6 point reviews, it just sort of disappoints me. I'm going to check back on these forums for these next couple of days to see what you guys think of it, because I'd imagine people like you have expectations similar to mine rather than the gamespot reviewers. It was well perceived by other reviewers, and this seems kind of like a love-hate sort of game.


    I think this game would've scored higher on gaming sites if obsidian was a better-known developer, like for example me 1, and Dao.

    ME 1 had good graphics, but horrible texture poppings, and some OK gameplay, but a good story.

    It mainly scored high because it had a Bioware sticker slapped onto it.


    Then we have DAO for the consoles, a terrible attempt at a 360 port in my honest opinion, for example, the hotkeys were unresponsive, and I would also come across an unresponsive analog stick, Example: I would move the character in one direction and he'd move in the exact opposite, or I would just move the joystick in one direction and the character would refuse to move until a couple minutes later. Not to mention that it had worse graphics than AP, and to me it seemed a lot more unpolished.

    And do you know what the score on IGN was?

    8.7, because it was made by "RPG king" Bioware.



    I dont think its that....if alpha protocol came out first then i bet it scores around 8.5s, But everyone is think its a mass effect clone...people expecting lightly sprinkled rpg elements are being chosen to review the game....not the hard core RPG guys

  6. Gamespot only have a few lines up so far



    "Alpha Protocol's astounding intricacies are tarnished by bugs, clumsy gameplay mechanics, and rough production values. "




    Dunno....i ignore things like rough production values. Kinda loved the ME1 combat (more than the 2nd...shock shock horror) so clumsy gameplay might even appeal to me.



    astounding intricacies means the story will be greatly shaped by your choices....which is really what im looking for.

  7. i am with just about everyone here the review stank and that guy couldnt play to save his life!!!
    That actually begs the question... how representative is he of the general public's gaming skills at large?





    speak for yourself



    Are you stating that you are an accurate representation of the general public's gaming skill then?


    Not sure why you felt compelled to respond when it's easy to infer that 213374U was not referring to you.

    I'm part of the general public, I'm I not?


    What is the general public?


    To be perfectly blunt, I definitely do consider myself to be a better gamer than the "general public." I'm the type of person that doesn't need all the hand holding that goes on in today's games.


    Do you need it?


    so your saying the general public needs hand holding? how naive and arrogant




    Gotta be a reason most games these days do it...

  8. Not to anyplace that has scans, I don't think. Just google "first alpha protocol review" and you should hit some.




    I can see this game going the way of the samurai...



    Great game that influences many and loved by us fans....but the action is not smooth enough for the masses....still they might still by it unaware opening up a chance to make things perfect for a sequel.

  9. Thought experiment: Lockstep Moodswing Thorton-- A strict rotation of stance choices. Pick one to start with, and, at each subsequent decision point, use the next one around the circle from the option most recently used. Repeat until endgame.



    hahahaha wow i thought of doing that too....im gonna do it for sure. Not on my first playthrough though.



    First time through ill be loud but stealthy...pick guys off with unsilenced weapons to draw others into investigating and killing them aswell.

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