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About Hemipheistos

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  1. Hi. Since last patch Marius often reports that he has found something on dead enemie bodies, but there is actually nothing to loot. I don't think this was the case before 1.3 patch.
  2. First of all thank you for that functionality. Works "almost" perfectly. Unfortunatly it introduces a glitch where the XP popup does not go away after you return from the hidden UI mode. This does not happen always, i guess its when you press the hide ui key shortly after you gain xp and it shows up (see attached screen shot, where the xp is still showing after i spoke to the ghost and pressed the hide ui bind. Would be nice if you look into that, because its really annoying. The only way to get rid of this XP in the middle of the screen is to fast travel or save and reload the game.
  3. Well, thank you. Works "almost" perfectly. Unfortunatly it introduces a glitch where the XP popup does not go away after you return from the hidden UI mode. I will post this as a bug again. Would be nice if you look into that, because its really annoying. The only way to get rid of this XP in the middle of the screen is to fast travel or save and reload the game.
  4. One way to lighten up your spelunking is to find a weapon with fire enchantment. Apperently this briefly illuminates the close surroundings. But crafting a torch or lantern or something would be a greatly appreciated addition. Ye.
  5. So, before the latest update there was an indicator next to each quest that showed the difficulty of that quest with skulls. Now they don't show anymore, so i have no idea what i am running into.
  6. Hi. Game has its pretty moments. I strongly suggest to put in a photomode or at least a hotkey to quickly toggle/hide ALL GUI for screenshots. Don't wait to long with this. People wanna see some eyecandy as long the game is hot. best regards Hemipheistos
  7. I think adding a dedicated photo mode, would be a fairly easy task because all the 3D Models are there including the animations i guess (not 100% sure because the idle cam only shows "idle" animation so to speak). But it would bring a lot of attention again to this wonderful game. Anyway. Keep up the good work.
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