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About overlord4412

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  1. KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC - KOTOR1 ATRIS is guilty of genocide - deaths of all jedi on katarr, the hole Miraluka population and crimes against civilization. She has fallen to the dark side or more precisely was lured by the Sith holocrons to do it. This is because she was too proud and self righteous to admit that she despised the inaction of jedi order and herself during the mandalorian wars. The despised as well what had become of the jedi order, however she refused to acknowledge her part in it - instead she has devised a parallel reality which was meant for protect her from her feelings of shame, guilt and helplessness. Deep down she knew that Exile was right to take part in the Mandalorian wars and managed to save the republic when the jedi have sat idle and refused to acknowledge the threat. Her hate for exile was a mechanism she created for self defense to protect her superiority complex, however deep down she envied the Exile. She became so detouched from reality that she started to believe that she was the only one able to lure out and destroy the sith threat as well as save the republic and the jedi order. She leaked the information to the jedi conclave on Katarr to the sith to lure them out, regardless of the price. She was however not prepared for the threat that would reveal itself. When Darth Nihilus has devoured the whole planet of Katarr with all the jedi there - she refused to acknowledge the nature and the consequences of her actions. Instead, she isolated herself from the world, retreated inwards and maintained a barriers of lies that surrounded her to protect her from the reality - much lie Hitler during the last weeks of the 2nd World War. She made herself to believe that she still has everything under control, and that the Fall of the Sith by her hand is imminent. The Sith holocrons made her believe that the jedi order (in its current form that allowed its members to fall to the dark side to cause galactic civil wars and suffering of so many) had to be annihilated in order for that to be achieved. That the new jedi order needs to be established by her - a more dogmatic and strict jedi order that will be immune to dark side temptations and whose members could not be corrupted by power. After Katarr, she proceeded to plan B involving the exile. She had orchestrated the sith hunt for the Exile in hope that it will force the Sith to reveal their weaknessess and give her an opportunity to identify their weak points and later destroy them as well as get rid of the Exile she convinced herself she was betrayed by. She believed herself to be capable to destroy the sith once and for all, not having realized that because of her Machiavellian methods (The End justifies the Means) she became a Sith herself in all but name, and that she destroyed the only thing ever believed in, cared for and wanted to protect - the jedi order. Atris had caused a genocide of the entire nation for the sake of maintaining her sanity and protect her image in her own eyes. She became so embedded in the Sith teachings (which she studied to learn how to defeat them) that she had fallen to the Dark Side without realizing it. Atris is a tragic character - she became the very thing she swore to eradicate and destroyed the only thing she aimed to protect.
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