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I really hate muslims in general, but I think this time they are right, it is just not right to discriminate a religious group from stupid reason. I wonder, if swiss will ban huge orthodox cathedrals ,what the christian world would say. I believe in a complete religious freedom in any country (excluding human sacrifice and ****) if they want to build a huge monumant in honor of their deity- let them do it.
What is your opinion on the Israeli-Palestenian conflict
urielrose replied to urielrose's topic in Way Off-Topic
We all like talking about things we don't fully understand, I dont fully understand the situation, and I live here, serving as a soldier here and learnt a hell lot of history about the current situation here. But i believe you all should visit this place, if so many people died for it, it must be worth a visit. It's all about percpective, if I was a Palestenian living in Gaza, I would really hate israel (and Hamas), but if i was an israelian arab (2 million arabs lives inside israel) I would live as a king (they have no texas, and they dont serve in the army if they refuse, besides living in the most beautiful places in israel, which are of limits for jews) I hate Hamas but that's only a perspective of an israely Sderot citizen, maybe a citizen in Tel-Aviv will feel diffrently. -
What is your opinion on the Israeli-Palestenian conflict
urielrose replied to urielrose's topic in Way Off-Topic
Before this thread will die I want to tell a story (a real one) that happend to me. while serving in the border (between the conquered palastine territory and israel) I was at a boder block looking for id's and checking arab workers that work in israel but live in the palestine territory ('A' zone as we call it, A for Arabs) while checking an I.D, an israely peace protester reached to me from behind and shouted at me: "why don't you let him pass faster, I responded: "this is a border, there must be a check on the border". all this while the line of workers grew thicker, all of a sudden some arab kids started throwing rocks at me, I asked my commander in the radio "can I use anti-personnel weapon" (while dealing with populace, you must rubber covered bullets which does not kill, thats what i meant by "anti-personnel weapon") "no" came the answer after I explained the situation. a molotov bottle has been thrown next to our post, and we saw the thrower start running , "can I use anti personnel weapon now ?". i ask the radio. "no" came the answer after I explained "because the thrower was weaponless. now, after throwing". the "open fire" regulations in the IDF are very very strict, because every shot we shoot, we can be jailed by israely peace protestors, u.n peace groups, israely arabs and stuff, so im asking you: "HOW THE HELL, CAN WE KILL SO MANY ARABS, IF EVERY DAMN SHOT WE SHOOT, CAN LEAD TO OUR BUTT BEING SENT TO PRISON ?!" לילה טוב (good night) -
What is your opinion on the Israeli-Palestenian conflict
urielrose replied to urielrose's topic in Way Off-Topic
I think this silly sentence snuck into your post which was otherwise by and large factually correct. Again, this thing that people with different religions or people from different races cannot live in the same country is so 19th century. Why should there be something like a "Jewish state"? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. America for example is a country that's full of people from different religions descended from people all over the world and I think the US works pretty well nonetheless, perhaps because people have learned to accept each others differences. If you look at the facts, their strategy could as well be to kill as many civilians and especially to destroy as much infrastructure as they can. Now, I don't know what their official documents say their strategy are, but if their orders are to preserve civilian lives and property, they're probably the most incompetent army in the world, and I really don't think they are. sorry for the delayed answer (can't use the pc in saturday) If there will be an arab mostly parlement in israel, jews wont be allowed to immigrate there, they will be forced to live in other states, and when one maniac (like hitler) will decide to kill them they will have nowhere to run. the main idea of making this state, was to make a safe heaven for jews after their persecuion by local authorities in russia at the late 19 century, so you get the idea, why we are so pissed with all the world, and why we wer'e trusting no-one, every nation, kingdom, state at the last 2000 years blamed the jews for all their faults (officialy, or by mad mobs) so the jews decided, to stay in a place where no-one could blame them and kill them for being jews, well, that obviously didn't work. -
What is your opinion on the Israeli-Palestenian conflict
urielrose replied to urielrose's topic in Way Off-Topic
I know it's not suppose to interest you, but all your comments shows complete ignorance of the history and situation of that place. The u.n did not give Israel to the jews out of the blue, both the arabs and the jews terrorized the english (the arabs even started an all out rebellion against them in 1933-1936) after ww1 the u.n gave an A mandate to the british over israel (meaning, they will withdraw after some years of rebuilding what they conquered and will ready the populace to independence) the u.n plan was to make it a mostly arab country, the jews used all their political powers and strength to build large modern communities in israel at that time, the arabs instead only grubled politicly and harassed the communities, they didn't even wanted to be a nation, most of the arabs in the country didn't even care who will rule them, all they wanted was to herd their sheep and feed their families, with islamic main figures (like haj- amin el-huseeini) propoganda about a new jihad, many young people joined the islamic zeal of terrorizing the land (the jews also used terrorism against the british and the arabs but not as a religious thing, but as a political thing) 20 years later the jews were organized with a semi parlement semi army and political recognition, the arabs, out of ignorance, religious zeal, and mainly political non-caring, didn't have any of those, most of them didn't even wanted to. so when the war broke out they were defeated even though (with the invasion of 4 arab countries) they were better equipped (this changed shortly after the invasion, with major political effort that granted the new jewish state better equipment) so after banning the u.n decision completely (the jews accepted the fact that the arabs will have a state in israel not vice versa) the defeated palestenians, demanded that the u.n will force israel to accept the u.n decision they fought so hard to prevent only a year before. in 1967 israel launched an attack (as response to the arab neighboring nations of invasion) on egypt and jordan (and a little on syria and lebanon) and conquered parts of egypt (which they gave back after the peace treaty 15 years later) syria (which are still an issue between the states) and jordan (which most of the palestenian refugees that stayed out of israel, stayed) the population at jordan came under israely care (which jordan was glad to ,after taking care of them for 20 years) and were given autonomy (which was never granted to them in jordan) 20 years later the refugees decided to became completely independent (but still financialy and technologically dependent) israel refused, because it will mean an arab territorial threat that will cut the jewish state to two parts, that the arab nation will be between ,while surrounded with arab semi hostile states, making a two people state was also out of the question, the demografical status in israel will change meaning that arabs will be the most of the populace and thus turning israel to an arab state, and so ,by conquering their enemies, advancing technologically far beyond any state in the middle east and by becoming the most politicly and militaraty powerfull nation in the middle east, israel designed it's own demise, by creating a body that will eat it from inside and ruin all that she gained in 50 years of hard labor. your opinion about israel is so far from the truth, i bet you think, this is a barren, camel and sheep infested backdoor country like those of middle africa. israel is considered to be the number 2 high- tech center of the world, many modern military advances are israelian products, israel has one of the most advanced cities in the world, while most of the population is well educated and almost a third is with an acadamic diploma, israel universites are considered to be in the 100 leading universites in the world. israel is also very western cultured, and acting as an enclave in the islamic undeveloped states. israel is the target for many islamic religioug terror groups, that took upon them to destroy western civilization, without israel there may be many more suicidal bombs in many western cities. from all over the world military figures are coming to israel to learn this counrty success at blocking the terror, and to learn about it's military success in difficult terms all over the years, israel air-force is considered to be the best combat trained in the world (with most airplane shots and minimum casualties in percentege). the culture is mostly western (more american then anything) with some jewish connections. so before having an opinion (if any) think about this- with who would you prefere to be: an arab zealous sheperd that will kill you for being modern, or a jewish doctor that developes the next cure for aids?. no matter what is your opinion, we have a strong army,money, and political powers while the arabs have only oil. no matter what is your opinion, we will chose how the damn future in this damn place ,because we got the power, and we are not afraid to use it. (only a little) -
What is your opinion on the Israeli-Palestenian conflict
urielrose replied to urielrose's topic in Way Off-Topic
It's not a big deal to be a soldier in israel most of the population was, is or will be in the army. at 18 you must be recruited by law (unless you are mentally or phisicly unable) if you are fit (most are, but many fake) you are training for a year and srving for 2 years (in which there is also training) if you want you can serve in a special unit (navy commando, air commando, counter terrorism agent, jet fighter and stuff like that) if you pass a physical test that lasts a week (most fail, it's the S.E.A.L week of hell only more fast paced and without training before it) I was recruited to an urban warfare regiment(?) that excels in infiltration to big buildings in big cities. after 3 years i was released, and for the next 17 years, i will be a mountaineer reserve soldier (you are unlisted for 3 years plus 20 or so years as a reserve, meaning, you are only serving for month a year or if there is a major war) most people in israel must pass through this course. as for combat experience (aside from training) I didnt see much ,except taking terrorists from their bed in the middle of the night, in the middle of their gang place (they shot at as only one time during my service). after you are released, you are free for 2 years before calling you to serve in the reserves, so in the last thing that happend in gaza, i was at home while the Hamas bombed my city with shells, so i don't know exactly what happend there, i only know from friends that was there - we didnt shot civilians on purpose, but we were not exactly picky in where we shoot, so ive heard, if we saw some gunfire we shot that place without checking very good, when youre under fire you don't think so much. -
What is your opinion on the Israeli-Palestenian conflict
urielrose replied to urielrose's topic in Way Off-Topic
It is so funny to see your reviews in comparison to strategy, wargames, modern shooters gaming sites reviews about the subject. you dont give a ****, or pick a side, about some damn thing that is so far from you, they (the other gamers) are so interested and involved in this. This is the beauty of being a fantasy or sci-fi gamer, you dont care about things that are not concerning you, anyway as response to some people- thejews picked israel, because it's their homeland, which they were exiled from by the romans some 2000 years ago, in their daily prayers for 2000 years they prayed to return there, after a lot of immigration to that barren place some 100 years ago the jews managed to settle again, the arabs didn't much care. some 80 years ago, the Arab nations developed nationality and wanted to settle the area with more arabs (which was the most percentage of the populace) the British , promised both them and jews this place in return for aiding them in ww1 (without the sides knowing about the other). for 20 years since then, the arabs killed jewish civilians to scare them. after ww2 (in which the world was ashamed of ignoring the jewish holocaust) the jewish settlements demanded the british departure from israel (which the u.n granted them 3 years later) soon after the u.n declaration of israel (in whch 1/3 of the country will be jewish while the other will be arab and jerusalem will be cosmopolitic), the arab population began massacaring the mingled cities (mingled with jews and arabs) the jewish settlements organized a semi professional army for years, while the arabs counted on big mobs and voulenteers from neighboring arab nations (especially iraq) this and the fact that the jewish settlements stayed in their place, instead of running to other countries, like most of the arab non-fighting civilians did, made the ending of the first part of the war in jewish favor (not only they defended all their borders, they conquered most of the important palestenian major cities and villages). in their violation of the u.n agreement (in the massacers and non-recognition of israel) the palestenians did somthing that made them refugees till now- instead of trying to make a parlement (like Israel did even before the u.n declaration) they turned to the arab newly formed nations for military help (meaning, that every part an arab nation will conquer from the jews will stay theirs, not the palestinians) and thus started the war that will change the middle east forever together with the wars that will follow it's wake. my hand is acking, if you realy want my to continue (which im sure you will not) just ask. -
What is your opinion on the Israeli-Palestenian conflict
urielrose replied to urielrose's topic in Way Off-Topic
no one support's The Israely side, c'mon, you know you want it. I was and still am (reserves) an hmg squad commander in TZAHAL (IDF). Dont believe anything you hear in the press (including Israely and arabian) about it. -
If you could pick one what will it be?. in my opinion-TES 5 except the chance that it will be in Cyrodil again.
Out of pure curiosity, what is your opinion on the subject?.
Im looking for an "African Myth" themed rpg
urielrose replied to urielrose's topic in Computer and Console
It is mostly Centerd Around Lone warriors, Animals, Shamans, the elements, dreams, honor and monsters. They are not epic tales, just the heroism of on individual against all odds or the smartness and wildness of a protoganist. It's also full of ghosts , angry gods and stuff. read the Imaro book series, the author also added an African jungle Theme. anyway i realy think quest for glory 3 is the only rpg made with some of these elements. -
Im looking for an "African Myth" themed rpg
urielrose replied to urielrose's topic in Computer and Console
By Swahili I meant The Region That Speaks The Language (The Eastern African coast), And Yes I meant The Tribes, If youre Looking or a more traditional African myths look for the Zimbabwe Area or even better The Kenia Area -
Is there any "African myth" Themed RPG, for any console ,at any time of the pc game industry, because I found none. By "African Myth" I mean Swahili Gods, Folklore And Culture. Example for it Is the French Movie "Kiriku" Or the "Imaro" book series.
Just stubled upon an oldie frome the 9ties Named BloodNet, And was amazed with the depth this game had, So I was thinking, that maybe obsidian should make a remake out of this, the rpg market is lacking a good cyberpunk modern console (and pc) role playing game. Dont you think?.