Hey SnickerSnack,
Thank you but there is no need to apologize, no offense was taken just as none was, but is now intended.
I conceded through my verbiage that your expressed ideas and partial concession were your opinions but chose to rail against your assertation that my idea may be in conflict with what the devs intended, simply because neither of us can know their intentions on this particular suggested addition to the game; unless you are privy to previous discourse on this exact matter, then by all means, please share the link.
Discourse on a specific topic by individuals with opposing ideas, concessions notwithstanding, is by it's very nature a means for one side to influence the viewpoint of the other. I already know your compromise holds no sway over my idea and quite honestly, I just didn't want to expend the effort to try to influence yours. I am 50 years old and life is too short to spend time convincing anyone of something when the benefits are already so very self-evident.
However, I will give it one final thrust. Verisimilitude. Look it up. I even provided a link. If that is too confusing, maybe this article from leagueofgamemakers.com will be more digestible.
It is a word that any decent p&p D&D player/DM knows well. I might also add that, incontrovertibly, without p&p D&D the face of modern gaming would look quite different.
Here is how it applies to Grounded.
The player's tiny body has naturally developed certain mutations or skills that give the player certain buffs, perks or benefits in a given situation, those situations can change naturally on the fly, therefore the player should be able to access and use those mutations or skills as naturally as possible in a game in response. Having to open a menu with battle ongoing breaks the sense of verisimilitude. In real life, I can play basketball, baseball and billiards; I can also sing, dance and juggle, does this mean I can't sing a song and dance a jig on a pool table while juggling baseballs in the middle of a basketball court... and if someone throws me a basketball, wouldn't I naturally drop the baseballs to catch the basketball and quite possibly shoot from half court? Whether I make it or not is irrelevant, I never said I was good at any of these activities.
The point is that a player already HAS the skills and should be able to access them naturally. This is not about 'hard choices'. Pffft
I offer my thanks for your suggestion that I try to find traction elsewhere, but I do not need or want your not so subtle attempt to show me the door.
Offense taken.