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Sam Fisher

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Everything posted by Sam Fisher

  1. It would be disheartening if they had planned on postponing this long without mentioning it to the buyers for weeks. I mean after all, we (the buyers) are their source of income.
  2. I agree that this would be cool, however I doubt they would spend this extra time adding it. From what I've read it seems like reviewers ether like the RPG and thought the combat was just standard or thought it wasn't RPG enough. I was starting to get the opinion that the reviewers liked the game, but were not totally sold on all aspects. I'd like to believe they are spending this time trying to make the game stand out a bit more in terms of both Combat and RPG elements. But that's just my thoughts and eight months is a long time, it would be great to get an official word on the issue.
  3. I totally agree with that! Realistic or not, I always envision Moscow with snow cover.
  4. Man, this is very depressing. I've been getting really hyped for this game as I know you all have been too. Manly I was excited because it looks sick and I've always thought a "spy style" RPG would be killer. But also it was pretty much the only game I was looking forward to until Q1 2010. If it will substantially improve the game then of course I would support the pushback, it's just with all the games coming out around that time, I'll probably get the old.... "wtf" from my girlfriend when I drop like five hundred bucks on games all at once lol. Anyway, I hope if it does really get pushed back its for something that will actually improve the game rather than just making SEGA happy.
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