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About grindl

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  1. I hope they make it free for viewing I usually have to watch coverage or live streams of BlizzCon, and I hope e3 doesn't charge for viewership to supplement the lack of physical audience/booths.
  2. I am pretty disappointed with PoE 2 so my expectations are not high (I did really enjoy the Beast of Winter dlc though!) Outer Worlds was disappointing after the first 15 hours and had no replayability for me. I'll still play whatever they make but it really feels like obsidian has been lacking in what I've come to expect of their games. If only we could get the visual and mechanic talent of inXile and the best writing of obsidian crammed into a game but idk. I hope Avowed doesn't water down and gut the rpg systems like skyrim did to the attributes, signs, story, lore, and skills. I'd appreciate a thorough rpg system in and seeing the signing of the spell in the trailer has my hopes high that there will be nuance in avowed (not that listening to Aloth say mara inla ixum over and over doesn't get old lol but he does it for like every spell.) [And] Obsidian's games have a good record for interesting stories too. I typically play any rpg I can though, because it is my favorite genre and I am looking forward to it.
  3. I think anyone could play the first game and the second and it's so obvious why it lacks a lot of the magic 1 had. I can't find a single thing positive to say about the second game besides Eothas being enigmatic and interesting. I put 300 hours and 2 conclusive/extensive play throughs into part 1. Part 2 feels strictly inferior even in the roleplay aspect, because options don't seem to change much besides rather or not you fight someone and rare at doing that. Why do we have so many skills that could be consolidated? Alchemy and explosives could be a single skill. Intimidate, Deplomacy, and Bluff could be a single skill. Metaphysics and religion could be a single skill. Stealth and sleight of hand OR sleight of hand and mechanics could be a single skill. I rolled a wizard, having played rogue and paladin in the previous game, and expected similar treatment that Aloth got in PoE 1. I am somewhat bitter 50 hours into 2 as a wizard. I am considering rerolling but I have at least half of the map revealed. It is just so miserable to play with so many limitations. On the nature of roleplay, Eder is the only character so far I have had any meaningful or interesting interaction with and his banter is the only one I appreciate to listen to most of the time. It's like every female except maybe Woedica is the exact same voice actor. It's a dredge to wade through and I don't think I will recommend the game to anyone really. It's like the difference between Planescape Torment and Torment Tides of Numenera. It's just so obvious and empty. If I had to guess why so few people bought it, then I would say it didn't receive the love the first game did both from the developers and from reviews. I always hear about Tyranny and PoE when I talk to someone that's interested in modern cRPGs but I never hear about PoE 2 and I think that says something from start to finish, from release to now
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