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Alec Trevelyan

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About Alec Trevelyan

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Xbox Gamertag
    i am el kabong
  1. i love the new box art
  2. i think a hoo-hah is in order HOOOOOOOOO-HAH
  3. i think people have far too much expectations about A.I these days. I understand how important it is to some people but to me it doesn't matter. Some of my favorite games have lowsy A.I but that doesn't make them any less enjoyable. If they don't like the a.i just don't but the game, simple as that but for those of us who are waiting with bated breath on the release of this game i feel that as long as the game works and is playable which i believe it is just release it
  4. 27th seems like a fair date... october 6 sounds better
  5. and a pet would good too
  6. i'd love to fully customise each safehouse like you can in saints row 2
  7. i'd love the ability to have a bead shot ability which can slow time and allow you to fire at objects in the environment
  8. xbox360achievements.org says that the release is slated at October 6th in the U.S
  9. i'd love it to be september the eight but thats not very likely
  10. We are in desperate need of a demo. Something short that displays the stealth, shooting, dialogue and throws in a lock picking mini-game and we're all sweet
  11. Game in Australia has it listed as October 31st
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