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Everything posted by Voikka

  1. Yes! Thank you for answering an old thread. That was exactly what i wanted to know. Though now i've encountered a weird problem. I tried unbinding Tab from opening ledger so i could use Tab to open inventory, but for some reason it still opens ledger on button release. i tried adding lines to unbind Released and PressAndRelease in addition to Pressed but it also didn't help. I had inventory bound to Tab and ledger to I and i quickly noticed Tab acting weird and currently should have no action bound to it. No idea what's up with that. Edit: Actually it seems the ledger is bound on Tab button release in the first place while all the other inventory/character etc buttons work on button press. PS: Don't know if you know this info already. Just to throw it out there i found an answer to hold to sprint this week and already posted it on Outer worlds subreddit. Went deep on google and happened on a random japanese site in which there were four lines to add to GameUserSettings keybinds though only three of the four lines are needed. AddedActionKeyBinds=(ActionName="ToggleSprintStart",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,EventType=IE_PressAndRelease,HoldTime=0.000000,bRespectTD=True,bCanRebind=True,bCanRebindEventType=True,Key=LeftShift) RemovedActionKeyBinds=(ActionName="ToggleSprintStart",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,EventType=IE_Pressed,HoldTime=0.000000,bRespectTD=True,bCanRebind=True,bCanRebindEventType=True,Key=LeftShift) RemovedActionKeyBinds=(ActionName="ToggleSprintEnd",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,EventType=IE_Released,HoldTime=0.000000,bRespectTD=True,bCanRebind=True,bCanRebindEventType=True,Key=LeftShift) Though this has a slight issue with Sprint being toggled on if you move holding shift and stop before releasing it. In such case when you move without pressing shift your character runs and when pressing shift character walks but it's easily solved by tapping shift while moving and then stopping. There's no need to add a bind for ToggleSprintEnd. When it was added there were some issues also but i don't remember what they were specifically. I think one was that If you pressd shift before moving your character would just walk and i think it caused the same sprint toggle issue as mentioned previously. Anyway I concluded the issue caused by using just the three lines was easier to manage.
  2. I know this is a bit late but you wouldn't happen to know what the action name is for opening the ledger, default keybind: Tab?
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