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About Mojito

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    (3) Conjurer
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    Cinema<br />Music<br />Making and editing videos<br />Traveling<br />Snowboarding<br />History<br />Politics
  1. What was bound to happen with no guidelines on how often you can vote. You just needed two people who were willing to end this competition in one night. I tried some damage control, but they were serious. More power to them, I guess. On the bright side, SIE's #2. That's my fault. I knew I should've posted a rule that you need to have a two post gap between your previous vote and your next one but honestly, I didn't expect that people will constantly sit here for an hour and spam votes. Meh, I was actually looking forward to the final showdown because Lake and Deng had even odds. Congrats to Omen of course, but this ended too soon. I mean, 30 goddamn pages, this deserved an epic finale, didn't it? Character elimination games is srs business.
  2. Omen Deng- 70 SIE- 32 (-2) Even though I love Sie, it's obvious that she doesn't stand a chance. I'm very glad she made it to the final 3, I didn't think she was going to beat fan favourites like Sis and Heck. Scarlet Lake- 91 (+2) By the way, when only two are left, should we go -3 +3 or more?
  3. What? DON'T YOU DARE ABANDON ME! Omen Deng- 86 (-2) SIE- 36 Scarlet Lake- 69 (+2)
  4. STEVEEEEEN! From now on it's -2, +2. Omen Deng- 56 (-2) SIE- 48 Scarlet Lake- 53 (+2) Sis- 34
  5. Omen Deng- 50 (-1) He's cool and all and I love the cutscene when he drops his cape but he shows up twice in the entire game. SIE- 46 Scarlet Lake- 47 (+1) Love how you can team up with her at the end. Bonnie & Clyde, anyone? Sis- 34 Steven Heck - 14 (-1)
  6. Omen Deng- 50 SIE- 46 Scarlet Lake- 45 (+1) Sis- 34 Steven Heck - 16 (-1) Sorry, Heck. I am so sorry. Hurr durr let's vote for Omen Deng because he can beat Scarlet.
  7. Omen Deng- 46 (-1) SIE- 46 Scarlet Lake- 44 (+1) Sis- 34 Steven Heck - 21
  8. *doesn't enter this thread for a day, sees that Oman Deng is above Scarlet* I am disappoint. Omen Deng- 48 (-1) SIE- 45 Scarlet Lake- 43 (+1) Sis- 34 Steven Heck - 22 Eliminate one more and then let's go +2, -2.
  9. Konstantin Brayko- 11 Omen Deng- 42 SIE- 40 Scarlet Lake- 42 (+1) Sis- 34 (-1) You know you can't win, Oner. ^^ Steven Heck - 22
  10. Albatross - 18 (-1) Henry Leland - 17 Konstantin Brayko- 16 Omen Deng- 27 SIE- 31 Scarlet Lake- 32 (+1) Sis- 29 Steven Heck - 21
  11. Albatross - 19 (-1) Henry Leland - 18 Konstantin Brayko- 17 (+1) "He's busy winning a gold medal in dying." Omen Deng- 27 SIE- 30 Scarlet Lake- 31 Sis- 28 Steven Heck - 21
  12. Albatross - 22 (-1) He's my least favourite character out of this bunch. Henry Leland - 20 Konstantin Brayko- 17 Omen Deng- 27 SIE- 28 Scarlet Lake- 29 (+1) Sis- 27 Steven Heck - 21
  13. Great, I can't kill Marburg even in a character elimination game. Albatross - 23 (-1) Someone has to go down. Also, stop interrupting my calls. Henry Leland - 21 (+1) NEIN! Don't touch my GQMF, Razgriz! Konstantin Brayko- 17 Omen Deng- 27 SIE- 28 Scarlet Lake- 27 Sis- 27 Steven Heck - 21
  14. Err, no thank you. The prospect of having sex with a giant lizard doesn't appeal to me.
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