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About Raynewood

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  1. Well... I managed to work out the triggers to get this the retreat to play. However, I don't think it is actually possible without console commands. I just don't think it was scripted into happening. I managed to, with the help of StrangeMortim's info here, to trace back the requirements for Hylea's conversation in which she mentions the Sky Dragon being mortally wounded back to the triggering conversation with the dragon by going through the conversation files of both Hylea and the Sky Dragon. Hylea's conversation - 13_cv_hylea.conversation located in /data/conversations/13_twin_elms_elms_reach/ Sky Dragon's conversation - 12_cv_sky_dragon located in /data/conversations/12_oldsong/ Now, both of these files are not much help, to be truthful. I merely got lucky (would it be luck, though) that I found a programmer's comment, in the Sky Dragon convo, mentioning that the health trigger is set to 25% health for the Sky Dragon. That happened to be under conversation node 17. Unfortunately, that trail kinda ended there. I then went on to search Hylea's conversation and I found a number in conversation instance referencing the Sky Dragon conversation. Unfortunately, that all led to a dead end. But it was a start. And that start led me to start looking into other files. I browsed the game.globalvariables file which fleshed out all the variables for all the booleans that StrangeMortim mentioned. game.globalvariables - game.globalvariables located in /data/design/global/ Also another stopping block, so I did some more digging for other files related to it. The Nest Above The Clouds quest - 12_qst_nest_above_the_clouds.quest located in /data/quests/12_twin_elms_oldsong/ In this file, I found the triggers for all the addendums and end states. At this point, I was stuck. Couldn't find any leads, so I started browsing Hylea's conversation again, and I managed to find a breakthrough. There are mentions of the conversations activating the end states. So I set about searching for a conversation thread that lead to activating end state 2 (the end state of the quest that involved the Dragon fleeing). There, I found the conversation node with Hylea that deals with letting the Sky Dragon flee. And the only boolean that was tied to it was having the conversation that starts with Node 17 of the Sky Dragon convo and ends with Node 22... Basically, I knew which conversation I had to have and that led me down the path of a few discoveries which makes me think that, either the programming was screwed up and the Sky Dragon fleeing is currently bugged and doesn't activate, or it was removed. I believe it was removed (if it was in to begin with in the first place). What leads me to believe this is, that after using console commands to trigger the conversation during the fight, the Sky Dragon did not disappear... The fight continued on. I did get an Addendum activation though as the quest updated. The update however was the update that is also triggered if you allow the Sky Dragon to stay at the temple. So, I set the Dragon and the Wurmling to not hostile with console commands, it still left me in combat. I forced an area transfer to Oldsong, which got me out of combat, headed over and talked to the priests, which confirmed that I had indeed "let the dragon flee." Signs were good, final test was the Council of Stars, so I headed over, made a save, and sure enough, the conversation, triggered as if I had let the dragon flee. Great, time to look at the save game booleans. n_Nest_Dragon_Combat 1 n_Nest_Dragon_Dead 0 n_Nest_dragon_State 0 n_Nest_Dragon_Support_Dead 0 n_Nest_priests_State 3 n_Nest_quest_main 3 n_Nest_quest_start 2 n_Nest_Reputation 0 n_Nest_Wurmling_State 0 This is what I ended up with. Normally, if you try this set up without having the conversation in which the Sky Dragon pleads to be allowed to flee, the conversation with Hylea, just shuts down right after the text block revealing that Hylea to the PC. So... unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to trigger the mid-combat conversation. I think they removed that trigger. Mainly, because after the conversation was triggered, the fight continued, instead of setting off a chain of event triggers that would cease combat and remove the dragon from the scene (or maybe a cutscene needs to be triggered, which leads to the conversation triggering, in which case I have no idea how to find said cutscene). On top of that, the quest addendum update was that of letting the Dragon stay (which makes me think that it used to say something along the lines of "let the dragon live" rather than "let the dragon stay"). What I do know is that the health trigger is supposed to be 25% health. Maybe someone will be able to trigger it and record it happening. As for a workaround... Head to the Dragon and initiate combat trigger the conversation with the console command: StartCoversation CRE_Sky_Dragon 12_cv_sky_dragon 17 Select the options to let him flee Transition to a different area (I used Oldsong) with: AreaTransition 99 1 Complete the quest by talking with Hylea Go back and kill the drake Save Open up the save editor and adjust the following values to the following(I don't know if all the values will change to this, it's just a hunch) n_Nest_Dragon_Combat 1 to 2 n_Nest_Dragon_Dead 1 to 0 n_Nest_dragon_State 0 to 2 n_Nest_Dragon_Support_Dead 0 to 1 n_Nest_priests_State 3 n_Nest_quest_main 3 n_Nest_quest_start 2 n_Nest_Reputation 1 to 0 n_Nest_Wurmling_State 1 to 0 Make sure to turn set the Cheats Enabled Flag to False And everything should be what it's was supposed to be as if the Sky Dragon fleeing was actually possible (meaning you get to enjoy the conversations with all the parties involved, while still having it... somewhat... clean... after all you get two extra Sky Dragon Eyes that you weren't exactly suppose to have, but you can use the console command "RemoveItem part_sky_dragon_eye" twice to alleviate that). Anyway, if someone is willing to go digging into the Unity Bundles, someone may be able to find exactly what is supposed to be triggered at 25% health (the conversation and I'm guessing a scene in which the dragon walks off or flies away).
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