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  1. For about a month now, I cannot load any of my saves. It let's me load a save, pick a character, but when I click start game, it freezes and sends me to the dashboard. Ive already uninstalled the game and downloaded it again, still nothing. Anybody else having this problem?I'm on xbox one.
  2. ok sweet! I'm glad their looking into it. I was a bit worried that not being able to save gear on log out would be a permanent feature.
  3. Do you guys have any plans in the future for making it so players who join my world dont have to put items away before leaving? My friends keeps getting kicked from the game and losing all their gear. I keep having to load previous saves to get their gear back. It would be nice to see a change where they can just log out and not have to worry about lost gear. Anyways thanks for all the hard work you guys put in. Im really enjoying this game otherwise.
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