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Posts posted by Drakiel

  1. On 5/27/2018 at 2:34 PM, Ghilteras said:

    This game does not have fast travel so it's really boring when you want to switch a party member that you have to go the ship or find a tavern.

    I'm new to PoE, but played BG, Dragon Age, ME, IWDale, all ElderScrolls, the latest Kingsmaker (decent, PoE is better developed, bigger $$ budget.).

    I find it perfect. I was like, "How do I change party!?" Oh on my ship? Well just leave this city (yea maybe 2 screens) but your ship is rarely far... much less a tavern, I have no complaints. I'm fine as-is.,

    To appease all parties, maybe make it able to 'camp' and 'reassign party' anywhere unless in-combat or in-dungeon?

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