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Posts posted by CoarseDragon

  1. I played a Ranger with an Antelope (normal difficulty). The Antelope was a good companion with the Ranger skills that added to their attack and defense. Overall it was a fun character to play. At the moment I do not have stats, etc. to provide but I do know Dex would high on the list. I was able to finish the game with this character with out to much trouble. I think the Ranger is a good choice.

  2. I've been putting off Planescape Torment till I get diagnosed with cancer and am in need of a pick me up, however I too look back fondly on a "golden age" of gaming when I would play Fallout 2 and Freespace in a state of quasi-religious awe.


    It's a lie though.


    As the masters of the Old School learned that their Wu-Tang style was no match for peasants armed with gunpowder, so too did the craftsmen of the past find that in order to compete in the global gaming industry their products had to be accessable. This is not a bad thing. Greater interest and investment in gaming will take it in new directions and encourage new approaches to game design.


    I think we can all agree that it is far better to shoot a bear with a rifle than to punch it in the face.

    Hmm? This is a bad attempt at misdirection, the creator of this topic wants games of PS:T's quality to be created again regardless of circumstances.

    Also, making a games content more accessible has nothing to do with how good it is(Assuming accessibility means ability to play)

    A wider audience does not mean higher quality(assuming that games have recieved more interest and investment since PS:T) If it did, this topic would not exist.


    I think the reason why games like this are not made anymore is because those who would enjoy them are not the target audience of big developers and publishers.That and nobody is taking advantage of how versatile PC gaming can be(I think World of Warcraft has shown that it doesnt matter if your game doesnt take advantage of all the latest technology as long as your content appeals to your target audience)


    I do believe that is the answer right there. The audience today is more the casual gamer and not the hard core gamer. I believe PS:T was a hard core gamer type of game.

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