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Everything posted by Krumblebud

  1. This is solely for cosmetic purposes, I personally think it would add a nice touch of customization to the game, You would still have to earn the previous armor and wear it to gain the set bonus and other buffs. It would just be nice to me if I could wear my favorite mask without crippling myself, and on the topic of certain armor ruining some aspects of other armor visually that armor could take up certain armor could take up either both slots or you just loose the set bonus. Or you could mix certain armor together which could be cool.
  2. I bought Grounded a couple of days ago after watching some stream highlights of people being scared of the insects in the game. After putting a good twelve hours into the game I have more or less fallen in love with the game and its atmosphere and art style. The insects in the game have a ton of personality from the two different spiders different attack patterns and movement, to the tiny aphids getting startled if you walk too close. I can't speak for the story quite yet as there is not too much to digest however character interactions despite me personally feeling a tad annoyed and felt as if they took me out of the immersion have grown to appreciate them. After becoming familiar with the games mechanics, I have thought of ways that may improve the experience and the atmosphere of the overall game. My suggestions involve the player and how they interact with the world. If the player is fighting or being attacked by a insect there isn't much to do besides blocking or timing the parry just right, I feel that the player should have more agility to dodge attacks or possibly escape threats for example if the player sprints and crouches the character will slide for a short distance and then go back to running or crouching depending on the players current situation. Secondly when sleeping hunger and thirst get reset to a significantly low amount when sleeping and personally I don't think it's very fair to punish the player for sleeping, I think a way to fix this is to either reduce the amount of hunger and thirst lost or add a effect that either adds temporary health to the player until its lost or some stamina reduction that lasts only a few minutes. something along the line of "Well Rested" etc. Building in the game I feel needs some work, The u.i is pretty standard and easy to understand but has some kinks that need to be ironed out such as buildings floating as long as a blueprint is under that building. I also think the player should be allowed to use some of the landmarks in game for their builds for example the soda cans or juice boxes. Another nitpick is I personally think that floors should be unlocked to the player from the start of the game instead of being unlocked with raw science. I also think that there should be more decorations to the game such as curtains made from berry leather or rug carpets made from gnat and mite fluff just to spice up building some more. Insects in the game have a lot of personality already but in the games current state there isn't many ways to interact with the insects besides observing or fighting, I think being able to tame insects such as aphids or being able to pet an ant will add a lot of wonder to the game as you guys already nailed the fear factor. I also think cattle like insects should be added to help the player not just survive but thrive in this environment such as being able to farm silk from silk worms or being able to "milk" a caterpillar similar to how ants in real life do. The yard is large and it seems like its only gonna get larger as the game gets updated. However traversing this landscape takes a really long time on foot. I think some mounts should be added in the game like flying on house flys or earning a garden lizard as your noble stead of sorts by fighting the mother and raising the egg up to adulthood where you can finally ride the lizard up walls or through the grass with relative ease. Finally I think the house will make an amazing end game or final challenge of sorts for the game. You could avoid being stepped on or fight the rodents that infest the house walls such as large rats, roaches, and other unwanted house guests. I have fallen in love with this game and would love to see it succeed, and I cant wait to see what you guys have in store for the future, and I hope you all have a fantastic day ~Krumblebud (Christian) Edit: Two more things I just thought would help the game as well is a camera mode to take some killer screenshots, and the possibility to wear armor solely for cosmetic purpose, yet still be able to wear other armor and get their benefits.
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