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About Arclight

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  1. I posted about a month ago about a game breaking bug in the building system. About an entire structure collapsing because I recycled a single panel. Well this has now this has magnified itself. I had started laying out the next another section of my build. I placed the shadows where the structure was going to expand. I needed to remove a single shadow panel. I aimed at it and hit the button to remove it and half of my floor collapsed. I didn't remove an actual panel, I was removing a single shadow panel. This, like the subject if my other posts are GAME BREAKING! If I can't even remove a single shadow panel without demolishing my structure, what's the point of playing? The fact that this game was deployed with this issue is disturbing. You need to fix it for people are gonna walk away in droves.
  2. This is not user error. I am selecting a single panel. I start recycling said panel and as soon as soon as it recycles every thing next to it collapses. I'll use Minecraft as an example. I build a wall. I build it too long. I walk over aim my pick axe at the wall section I want to remove. I hit it and it breaks. ONLY that block breaks. The rest of the wall, floor remain intact. The way this game is functioning, if I remove a single block, the Entire structure collapses. That is Game breaking since this game is about building structures as part if the survival system. Big I can't remove a mistake without having to rebuild my entire structure it is a Huge game breaking problem.
  3. If I build a structure and I want to remove a single wall panel, the entire structure should not collapse. Whether it's a single level panel from a wall of a full structure, the only panel I target should be the one that recycles. THIS IS A GAME BREAKING Issue that needs to be addressed ASAP!!
  4. Well it shouldn't work that way. The system is broken. In every survival game I've played, the one thing that wasn't catastrophically broken was the building system. You shouldn't have to rebuild your entire structure because you wanted to put a door in. It's ridiculous.
  5. I just completed construction of the first floor of my structure. I needed to install a door. I placed the shadow and started building it and as soon as I installed the stem for the door, the entire ring of first floor walls deconstructed. This isn't the first time. The entire recycling system is broken. If you attempt to recycle one section anything connected to that section deconstructs as well. This is a game breaking issue
  6. I have been building and growing my structure. But when I want to remove a wall in order to alter my build, I hit recycle, and the game recycles that wall and everything attached to that wall. I want to remove one piece and everything I've already build gets destroyed. It does the same thing when putting up the shadows to build the lay out. Remove one piece and everything gets erased. This issue could be game breaking for some. Not to mention recycling and only getting back 50% of the resources creates a whole new issue
  7. I have been building and growing my structure. But when I want to remove a wall in order to alter my build, I hit recycle, and the game recycles that wall and everything attached to that wall. I want to remove one piece and everything I've already build gets destroyed. It does the same thing when putting up the shadows to build the lay out. Remove one piece and everything gets erased. This issue could be game breaking for some. Not to mention recycling and only getting back 50% of the resources creates a whole new issue.
  8. I think you should look at adding Trap Door spiders. I think that would add a level of suspense and fear to the game. Another addition suggestion would be centipedes. They are definitely as foe that would take alot of planning to defeat.
  9. I had a large path that I built over the Oak pond. I decided to remove it so I recycled it from the starting point. The first panel disassembles and starts the chain of disassembly. Almost immediately the game freezes then crashes.
  10. Let's add the Tarantula Hawk Wasp
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