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About Jennzio

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Xbox Gamertag
  • Interests
    Survival and shooters
  1. Two times while I was playing, around 30 minutes in, the game abruptly crashed and when I reloaded the game, the most recent save was from the day before. Since the save always restarts at the same spot, I am now unable to make any progress.
  2. I set my spawn point on my bed and the next time I died, I respawned inside my bed and couldn't jump or move. I had to recycle my bed and lost one of my feather pieces.
  3. Can we get an item similar to mushroom gardens but for growing grass and/or weeds for areas that are far from the nearest grasslands?
  4. On Xbox one, I received an error message saying there was an issue with the game and I had to uninstall. I did, and when I reinstalled, I had 1 save file from a month ago, meaning I had lost a month of straight progress. Is there a way to get those save files back?
  5. Sometimes when I quickly switch between gas mask and full armor set, the new armor set has the right shape, but keeps the color of the gas mask.
  6. I'm playing on Xbox one single player and I was walking and carrying a full load of weed stems through a deep puddle and dropped all the stems. I tried to pick them back up underwater but it told my that my inventory was full. Similar thing happened with a berry, it fell into the water and I couldn't harvest it so I lost a potential three berry chunks.
  7. I'm playing on Xbox one single player and I'm not sure if this is just natural weevil behavior going to mushrooms, but near my base, I found somewhere between 15 and 20 weevils walking around which attracted a swarm of ants which wrecked my base.
  8. I'm having issues with colored flashing lights on the edge of my screen that can sometimes Flash into the entire screen. I am playing on Xbox one and the lights are only within the game and dim on the pause and inventory menu like everything else.
  9. I'm having issues with colored flashing lights on the edge of my screen that can sometimes Flash into the entire screen. I am playing on Xbox one and the lights are only within the game and dim on the pause and inventory menu like everything else.
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