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About AlienUFO253

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  1. Just some ideas since ive had the past couple weeks. I'm sure some of this has been suggested before. creature/bugs: flys, maggots, leeches, snails, slugs, dragonflies, firefly, praying mantis, grasshopper, bees, wasps, hornets, dung beetle, worms, centipede, millipede, pill bug(rollie pollie), variety of ants like fire ants, variety of spiders like a jumping spider, tarantula, daddy long legs or black widow, mosquitos, fleas, sand fleas in sandbox, ticks, waterboatman, water strider, ****roaches, crickets, moths, butterflys/cocoon, locust, cicada, diving beetle, horned/pincher beetle, stickbug, leafbug, silk worm, earwigs, caterpillar, gecko/lizard/salamander, tadpole, frogs, froghopper(spittle bug), bagworms, termites, queen bee/ant Places/items/ideas: pile of dog poop in yard, trashcan or recycle bin, bbq for charcoal, inside the house or shed, rain gutter, under the deck, sandbox could be a desert area, explorable lawn equipment, icebox/cooler, explorable bees/hornets nests(honey&combs), bugs that when bitten you cant sleep until cured, extra inventory, weather, more ores, compass, fishing pole, lasso
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