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Deus Ex Machina

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Posts posted by Deus Ex Machina

  1. Let me start by saying that I am not new to the RPG genre at all. I have played many RPGs, including more traditional ones such as Oblivion, Dragon Age, Fallout 3, Deus Ex and Mass Effect, and I've played action RPGs such as Fable, Fable 2 and Mass Effect 2.


    The first thing I'll say about Alpha Protocol is that, as I suspected, the overall criticism the game is receiving is, IMO, unwarranted and very much hypocritical. I've played the game for about an hour now (I've just passed the opening tutorial segment), and so far, the only issues I've experienced are texture pop-in, somewhat clunky movement controls and a rare animation glitch. To be more specific, the texture pop-in I've seen is no worse than it was in Mass Effect (IMO, it's about the same or possibly less frequent), the controls are fine once you've adjusted to them and the rare animation glitch I referred to was a guard's death animation repeating itself, similar to what you see in online games when lag is present (again, I've only seen this once out of many death animations I've witnessed). The only other thing I can think of that I didn't like is that the save system is checkpoint based without the option to save anywhere. While I don't like this, it hasn't been a problem for me as of yet.


    As for everything else, I'm liking AP a lot. The story and characters, and how they are presented, is very well done, IMO.


    I REALLY like the conversation system in AP. Some have criticized the system for not giving you ample time to choose your dialogue options such as with Mass Effect, but I like the system in that it feels more natural, more fluid. If you were in a conversation with someone and you took 15 seconds or more to reply, it would be awkward. I also really like how certain characters prefer certain types of responses.


    The combat is very much that of a traditional RPG, much in the same vein as the original Mass Effect. Weapon damage and accuracy is very much stat based. In a way, the combat reminds me of Deus Ex, in that the longer you keep your reticle on a target, the more accurate and damaging your shot will be.


    Visually, AP gets the job done. While it won't win any awards for it's graphics, they aren't as bad as some have said. Some have said that the visuals are worse than that of Dragon Age. I disagree. Some have also criticized the game for lacking an art direction. My feelings on the lack of an art direction are that I like that AP is based in a real-world setting and I feel that the look of the game compliments that setting perfectly. A graphic novel-style art direction, or any art direction typically associated with a fantasy or sci-fi setting, would be awkward in AP, IMO.


    All in all, I'm pleased with AP so far and I think I'll be pleased once I've beaten it. I'm glad I followed my gut instinct and picked it up rather than passed it up.

  2. Thanks for all the feedback.


    It would seem that, much like Deadly Premonition, AP has garnered a cult following. I loved Deadly Premonition. I'm picking up AP as soon as I get off work today and I'll be sure to post my impressions as an RPG player and as a vet gamer.


    I'm sure I'll find that the criticism is not entirely justified.

  3. Okay, maybe the title is overly dramatic, but I feel that it's appropriate considering that AP is an espionage game.


    Here's my problem.


    I have noticed that the majority of complaints that reviewers have had with AP (framerate issues, graphical issues, animation issues, combat mechanics issues, A.I. issues, etc.) were present in several other games such as The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. However, all those games were highly received by the same reviewers that lambasted AP. Whether or not the reviewers had a personal grudge against Sega or Obsidian is uncertain, however, the hypocrisy is.


    Does anyone else see the bull **** in all this?

  4. Here's the way it is.


    If someone posts something on the internet, most people take it at face value, much like they do if the media reports something. The reason for this is that people are stupid.


    While the anonymous post in question may be the opinion of a former AP developer, we'll never know for sure as there is no credible evidence that the anonymous poster was in fact a developer.


    I have noticed that the majority of complaints that reviewers had with AP (framerate issues, graphical issues, animation issues, combat mechanics issues, A.I. issues, etc.) were present in several other games such as The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fable 2, Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. However, all those games were highly received by the same reviewers that lambasted AP. Whether or not the reviewers had a personal grudge against Sega or Obsidian is uncertain, however, the hypocrisy is.

  5. Three games that I can think of at the moment that were bashed universally that I really liked were Too Human, Shellshock 2: Blood Trails and Deadly Premonition.


    All three games were flawed, yet I was able to see past those flaws and enjoy the games for what they were.


    Some of my favorite games of all time have been given less than stellar review scores, therefore I don't trust the "professional", corporate reviews, or even a majority of user reviews for that matter.


    I haven't played AP yet, and I won't until Tuesday, June 1, so I can't say with any certainty that I will like or dislike the game. However, since there is a chance that I will like AP, I'm going to pick it up and give it a shot.


    I remember you from the Xbox.com forums. o:) Didn't you have a Condemned avatar?


    Anyways, Too Human was very solid and I really enjoyed it. The difficulty spikes were pretty insane, though.


    And I love Deadly Premonition! Weirdest and most awesome game in a while, I say.


    For a very long time, yes, I did have a Condemned gamerpic.

  6. Three games that I can think of at the moment that were bashed universally that I really liked were Too Human, Shellshock 2: Blood Trails and Deadly Premonition.


    All three games were flawed, yet I was able to see past those flaws and enjoy the games for what they were.


    Some of my favorite games of all time have been given less than stellar review scores, therefore I don't trust the "professional", corporate reviews, or even a majority of user reviews for that matter.


    I haven't played AP yet, and I won't until Tuesday, June 1, so I can't say with any certainty that I will like or dislike the game. However, since there is a chance that I will like AP, I'm going to pick it up and give it a shot.

  7. I have yet to play AP myself, but many who have it already are posting their user reviews that are in line with some of the "professional" corporate reviews.


    Based on the vast majority of user review comments, it seems to me that one of the primary problems is that people were expecting AP to have similar gameplay to games such as Splinter Cell or Metal Gear Solid. This baffles me personally since it clearly says on the game case "The Espionage RPG", NOT "The Espionage Stealth Action Game".


    Many have compared AP to Mass Effect 2. While there are some similarities, the combat cannot be compared. In ME2, the combat was similar to that of Gears of War in that weapon damage was based upon hit location and the weapon itself. In AP, the combat is based around stats, meaning you can score multiple headshots without taking someone out. While many have criticized this aspect in both user reviews and corporate reviews, this is what older RPGs are all about. AP has always been advertised as an RPG. I don't understand how people could have mistaken it for something else.


    As for the criticisms regarding animation issues, framerate issues, lackluster graphics, poor A.I., etc., I cannot say because I have neither played AP or watched any live streams. I will however post my impressions as soon as I get my hands on it, Tuesday, June 1.

  8. Overall game length is relative.


    Two recent games that are said to be quite short (Alan Wake and Red Dead Redemption), took me a substantial amount of time to beat (approx. 15 hours for Alan Wake and approx. 40 hours for Red Dead Redemption). Granted, I am a completionist.


    Mass Effect 2, a recent western RPG, took me just over 60 hours to beat, and that was said to be relatively short.


    I'm quite sure that Alpha Protocol will take me no less than between 20 to 30 hours to beat on my first playthrough, although it will probably take me longer.

  9. - Quantum of Solace


    Has anyone seen this? I heard it was pretty crap.

    Compared to Casino Royale, it was crap. Compared to most other action movies out there, it was average. It's still worth a rental.


    Anyway, I can't believe this but I've seen every movie on that list.


    Then you sir have good taste.

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