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About BushKillFalls

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    In the backyard
  1. I had not gotten to the point of placing chests or campfires yet. So food wasn't a factor. However they did have a issue apparently with larvae spawning too much. That may have lead to an abundance in the area of them. But wether the lore behind the building blocks are that they are baked or just packed clay shouldn't change the accepted norms in the real world that wood foundations are weaker than masonry foundations. You also shouldn't have to build a foundation and floor in order to place a second foundation. At that point they should just make a clay floor to be put on the stick foundation.
  2. Love the game and don't mind the grind to build a base. But... When I spend 45 minutes gathering clay, and haul it half way across the map to build a building, only to have half the foundation eaten by larvae in about 20 seconds the first night. Than go back for more clay in the morning repair / replace it only to have more larvae show up to destroy it again. I am unable to even get to the walls. I think the term foundation should be more durable and less crumbly to a few larve. Walls on the ground seem less vulnerable than a clay block foundation. I look forward to playing more preview, and your final product.
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