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Posts posted by Monkeybiscuits

  1. 23 hours ago, oKareno said:

    Do debug option in the start menu see if it helps. It helped mine. They were doing the same thing on the lights and rocks and oak tree.   

    Thanks didn't know they had that. looks like it worked kind spider on lamps is gone and lady bug too, but now I have a wolf spider stuck  on one of the wood post by oak tree that wasn't there before. Ill just have to push that every time I load I guess. thanks again.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Eun said:

    My game does the same thing now. It freezes for 22 seconds now after building anything. Deleting any structure results in the same freezing.

    The freezing used to only be a couple of seconds, but as I continued to build, the duration got longer and longer. At over 20 seconds, I don't think it's worth attempting to build anything anymore, which is gamebreaking in my opinion. Since people will naturally build larger and larger bases as their save progresses and they get more resources.

    I agree with you, but I cant stop myself from building ! :(

  3. So after update building a wall or anything the lag is still there. everything just stops when placing the object for a couple of seconds . I have a I7 and 1080ti with 3t g of ram its itx board so just 2 sticks to make up the 32. it also happens on my laptop that has a 1070  16 g of ram

  4. So I been getting bad lag when building any thing.
    Every time I build a object to completion I get a long pause. I have 3 kind of big bases on map and I was thinking it had something to do with that but I Hope it could be fix cause I wanted to build more in the same world. Or is there a fix/work around already for this?


    not my video 

    at 11:15 in video is example. MY 3 buildings are nothing this big


  5. So I posted this before with a crash bug when placing objects thought it may have been part of it. 

    The crash is gone now but Chest and other interactable objects cant be seen after playing for minute or so for guest players only. Sometimes its all  interactable objects and other times its just one or two just here and there. killing your self lets you see them again sometimes, but they go away again after a little while. if you can find the object you can still use them so they are invisible.

    it happens to me and when I join my friends game and happens to them when they join my game.

    I looked on this forum and trello. I don't  see this bug as known by  devs yet .

  6. From their trello page


    Fixed in Future Update


    Thanks to all the saves everyone sent us, the team was able to diagnose the issue and have generated a patch containing this fix. Once the fix goes through its certification process at Microsoft, we will be releasing it immediately in the form of the 0.2.2 patch. As soon as we get the OK, we will announce the update being live on the Grounded News site and Grounded Twitter account.



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  7. 2 hours ago, chromestorms said:

    Ah really? Previously I couldn't even save/load a new game so I thought this was progress. Only logged 8 hours putzing around doing burgl stuff.  

    I'm curious if I swap the world files if all my stuff will be there on this load or if it'll break it. 

    maybe you ran into two bugs or i haven't ran into new save bug. I was able to save new files and load them  just after some many save no go again.. let me know if you try world files


  8. 41 minutes ago, chromestorms said:

    Some news this morning.

    I started a new game and tested the saves both auto and manual. Both work fine. I really dont want to redo 130 hours of work so hopefully they patch our old saves back in but at least the game is playable.  

    how many in game hours did you play cause it look like it was happening around 20 in game hours? so the first few new saves work for me then bam bad files again.

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