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Everything posted by credwig

  1. Two issues that i noticed other haven't already mentioned. 1) Bug pathing of Ants (happend at the start of two separate games cause a pile up of ants. Followed by them to completely disappear from the area with not further spawns. (See picture below for pile) 2) Science(SR) is Jacked -- it doesn't always appear in each game (Primarily single player). I am talking about the SR that appears in the world for example I played 3 separate games all of different difficulty and none had SR in the Oak tree lab or other various spots. It only appeared for me in Multi-player. However, rates were much different from this streamers video (as in 10 times as much). Also the comments in the provided youtube video show other people experiencing this problem. https://www.youtube.com/embed/H8G56e6y4Q4
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