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Everything posted by xvtc

  1. I couldn't even finish watching that first trailer for it, it was... embarrassing. No wonder why it's hard for many to take narratives seriously in video games when the industry praises people like Emil and allows a game like Dante's Inferno to more than likely molest a highly praised literary work.
  2. This Let's Play by a fella over at Something Awful is fantastic: http://lparchive.org/LetsPlay/KOTOR%202/ You can go to the later chapters and see some of Kreia's predictions. He also covers some cut content stuff throughout. It's a good read. (Off-topic, but on the topic of Let's Play threads, the on going Planescape: Torment one over at Something Awful is awesome as well, he's been doing the thread for two years now: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthrea...readid=2206352).
  3. So apparently Emil Pagliarulo's writing on Oblivion and Fallout 3 is considered impressive now? Seriously?
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