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About Gleenslayer

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  1. Personally, I always end up choosing humans or elves, or something that reminds me more of the humans in the RPG's I play, so for me, more important than race is being able to customize the character's appearance, so for me it's okay to have only two races. Regarding the classes. Yes, that concerns me. I would like to see Pillars of Eternity spells in Avowed, and that does happen in the trailer with some druid and mage spells, but the question is will we get spells from all classes? Mainly because we are not locked into a certain class choice, how will we get high-level spells from other schools? If it's via talents, I expect talent choices to be meaningful and impactful in gameplay. And if it's via purchases or scroll drops, I hope it's well balanced. My biggest concern right now is combat. I really LOVE Skyrim, but its combat is so bad and outdated, the only way to make it cool is via mods. I like more complex combat than the old "tank and spank". What I expect as basics in Avowed's combat: - Parry system with shield or dual blade; - Cast and interrupt system; - Dodge system; - Combos and melee skills in addition to spam auto-attacks. Seriously, if they make combat good, innovative and fun, the rest can be fixed with patches and DLC's, in case there is a problem. More important to me is the gameplay and the story.
  2. First, thanks for the responses and suggestions. I usually always play on maximum difficulty (PotD upscaling). I'm planning this build for a Solo Run with some margan challenges turned on. I've never played a Solo run before, so I'm pretty excited. The idea behind these weapons was more because of the mega-boss and some other standard bosses, so I wouldn't worry too much about penetration. And I like them a lot thematically and visually, especially Animancer's Blade. I was thinking of playing as Kind Wayfaerer + Helwalker monk. The Kindwayfaerer Paladin because of all his healing, armor and some damage bonuses, and resource refunds, he would be my most defensive part. The monk because of his infinite wounds and his incredible abilities. +10 str and Lightning Strikes would slightly increase the low natural damage of weapons. The idea would be this: Dichotomous souls + the pain persist and enduring dance. I would be dealing damage from afar, but depending on the occasion I would go in the front line with the dichotomous souls flanking the enemy. Using Shroud of the Phantasm to hopefully proc the Brilliant buff and recover resources. On very difficult occasions I would use a tower shield with the animancer's blade and play more defensively waiting for Brilliant proc, killing priority targets from a distance with the monk's pain persist. What do you guys think?
  3. Hello, I have some doubts regarding these two weapons that only cause natural damage, they are: 1 - Does damage scale with might? 2 - Do they receive passive damage bonuses from rogue and barbarian skills? 3 - Do they have penetration? 4 - What changes if I enchant them? 5 - What classes do you recommend to use these weapons most profitably? I'm thinking about a build focused on these weapons, to kill resistant enemies faster. Thank you in advance for your attention!
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