I am having the exact same issue on XBox One. It's frustrating because up until this point I was having a stellar playthrough. Now I am stopped dead in the game having done every side and companion quest I could find and the only way forward is the next stage of the main quest. I have been a peacekeeper on this playthrough and it would be highly disappointing to have my first playthrough wrecked by this seemingly uncommon bug. I had to scour the internet just to find this one other person having the same issue. I have loved Obsidian sine the Knights of the Old Republic days. (Still waiting on the cut content from 2 ultimate edition by the way, and if you could convince Disney to let you make KOTOR 3 I will buy you a trophy)
That about wraps it up. Gamertag is Tolairius1 on XBox, I beg you to fix this so I can continue my playthrough before everything I've accomplished becomes stale in my memory and I have to start all the way back at the beginning again.