I loved PoE 1 and I thought PoE 2 was even better. Shorter, but better. It sucks that they may not make or may drastically change the nature of a potential sequel.
I grew up playing the D&D goldbox games. And fell in love with the isometric D&D games from the late 90's and early 2000's. I have always preferred turn based strategies over real time strategies. I prefer the solid tactical gameplay that turn based offers. PoE 2 had all that in spades.
The naval part of PoE 2 also brought back some nostalgia for the old Sid Meier's Pirates! game. I probably spent months of my life overall playing that game and the cheesy re-release from the early 2000's because they were a blast. It also significantly changed the typical gameplay style of these sorts of games. BG1/2, Icewindale, PoE1, etc where you were exploring individual 'zones'. This felt much more free almost. More natural.
Anyways, probably not a chance a developer with Obsidian will see this. I think they built the right and quite frankly an AWESOME game! I would hate to see them throw the baby out with the bathwater... I'm guessing there were other factors that impacted sales. I purchased this for PC and have every intention of buying another copy for Switch so I can be a pirate on the go. Good work with PoE2 Obsidian. Regardless of what your analysis says...