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Everything posted by gtamike_TSGK

  1. Reloading and looting at the same time would be nice.
  2. Immersion breaking major texture flickering in this area. (PS4 Pro) Here's how to reproduce the bug. https://youtu.be/cfKAdQmr6QE https://youtu.be/VDi4LlYg6qY https://youtu.be/n8Utu4G2UmA
  3. Music stuttering still on PS4. Just zoom in and out on the map menu and it will start to happen.
  4. Stop complaining about the patch release date guys, it's getting kind of cringy. We obviously don't want a patch that brings new bugs/problems so just be patient and be better fans. I'm sure Obsidian is working hard and testing the patch.
  5. Compare weapons feature on workbench "tinker" does not work correctly. Here's a video showing how to reproduce the bug. As you can see from the video it's very bugged. It's remembering the last weapon compare from "Modify tab" when in "Tinker tab" please fix.
  6. Saw this post thought it would be worth posting here.
  7. Still sounds like a bad business move game pass or not. People these days want something for near to nothing XD. Maybe in a few years if there's a game of the year edition or something.
  8. I'll happily pay for DLC it's obviously going to cost them resources to expand on this game. I'm sure they're prioritising the patches first anyway.
  9. You can remap any button on PS4 in system settings. I do this with a few games from time to time.
  10. Ah just found this area I'll list my ideas here. Suggestions: - Would be nice to have a dynamic flashlight on the armor enabled by holding the crouch button. - A manual quick save option (PS4) would be great to save time. Maybe add standstill 1hr wait time. - In the weapons inventory it would be useful if you have a double up of the same weapon (with the same stats) to be in one slot saying x2. - Some type of feature in the inventory to "Lock" weapons / items so they don't show up in the sell menu for vendors and traders. - In the consumables inventory it can take a long time to look through for "heal %" items. Maybe add a health symbol (for example same symbol area like shock weapons have) on those or add a new arrange order options. - On the compass bar could you add small grey dots to show dead bodies that haven't been looted yet. When your companions kill a big group of enemies it's not always clear where the bodies are. - Option to Set a custom "Waypoint" maker on the map menu. Bug: - When in the workbench menu the "compare" weapons feature doesn't work correctly. It allows you still to press L3 (PS4) to set a marker but only "one" not "two" the feature doesn't work correctly.
  11. Love this game excellent work Obsidian! Bug: When in the workbench menu the "compare" weapons feature doesn't work correctly. It allows you still to press L3 to set a marker but only "one" not "two" the feature is broken here. Improvements: Would be nice to have a dynamic flashlight on the armor enabled by holding the crouch button. A manual quick save option option would be great to save time. (maybe add as standstill 1hr wait time) In the weapons inventory it would be useful if you have a double ups of the same weapon (with the same stats) to be in one slot saying x2 etc. Some type of feature in the inventory to "Lock" weapons / items so they don't show up in the sell menu for vendors and traders. Or add a new sub inventory option "favourite locked items". This would make it so much better to sell items you don't want. In the consumables inventory it can take a long time to look through for "heal %" items. Maybe add a health symbol on those (for example same symbol area like shock weapons have) or add a new arrange order options. On the compass bar could you add small grey dots to show dead bodies that haven't been looted yet. When your companions kill a big group of enemies it's not always clear where the bodies are. Option to Set a custom Waypoint on the map menu.
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