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Posts posted by Osculim

  1. On 11/16/2019 at 6:31 PM, thearmourofGod said:


    i shouldnt respond to your post full of perfectly executed logical fallacies, but, oh well...

    whether this is bio or beth is irrelevant as i was speaking about “romance” in video games other than TOW

    the pc cannot “romance” parvati (what ive seen has been done well, but, NOT pc/companion “romance”) romantic dialogue is irrelevant; “beautiful” is subjective 

    poorly implemented “romance” mechanics absolutely results in poor gameplay

    i not only know how to “deal” with romance in games, but, i know how to see poor “romance” gameplay, mechanics and dialogue, as well

    avoiding aspects of a game doesnt fix the mechanics; avoiding a games mechanics and gameplay doesnt eliminate ones ability to discuss them

    if “romance” was done well in a game and provided meaningful gameplay i would agree its not a waste of money

    lol, yes, in my eyes, idiot romance mechanics are a waste:  thanks for your basic comprehension

    lol, as opposed to what?  doing somebody else?

    i said i dont want idiot “romance”; not no romance

    as well, i know other gamers like what i consider idiot romance, but, what others like or dislike is irrelevant to my opinion post

    thanks for pointing out the obvious: yes, games are not made for one person

    Wow ok seems you getting upset about a game. First there is no need for that. I never said the parvati romance was a pc romance. I said it can easily be adjusted to be. There by pointing out that its too hard to do in games is not always nonsense. We do agree that some games do it wrong sure but not all. It can be done well.

    Anyway seems like your one of those people that feels your opinion is the only one that counts but unfortunately yours is just one in a sea of many. And your right beautiful is subjective. Meaning your opinion is it is not necessarily the right one. You feel like your view about things are always right and to hell what how anyone else see things. One cannot discuss anything with people like that. So I won't I won't be bother trying any further. Good luck with that attitude in life


  2. On 11/17/2019 at 10:34 AM, GaleWeaver said:

    Okay? I never said they did, and neither do the game endings. What is your point? My entire post is about the fact that the ending doesn't need to spell any of this stuff out for you. You can assume it based on the character that you LITERALLY made and roleplayed through the entire story with. 

    Maby I misunderstood you. But still I don't want to assume things that happens or don't happen. That is what makes this game so much fun for me. The whole fact that choices you make give you outcomes in the end. Even the little things you do way back in edgewater. I don't want to guess what the outcome is nor do i want to assume. But I guess we all expect something different. The point is neither of us is wrong for wanting something from a game. If we all had the same ideas life would be soooo boring don't you think.

  3. 11 hours ago, thearmourofGod said:

    the problem as i see it is that “romance” in video games is dimwitted, adolescent, a waste of time and resources and results in poor gameplay

    especially seen in mass effect and other bioware and bethesda titles


    This is not mass effect bioware nor bethesda. And there was nothing dimwitted about the parvati romance arc. It was beautifully written. Poor gameplay is not a cause of the game that is all on the player. Its and rpg after all. If you don't know how to deal with romance then maby its not for you which is fine. Just avoid it which you can do with ease. I'm sorry Ill agree to disagree its not a waste of money. Maby in your eyes. But hey you do you. Just because its not something you want doesn't mean that there are others that don't. Games are not made for one person.

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  4. I see alot of folks here mention sex. Romance is not "sex".  It is part of it sure but that's the extent of it. That is the problem especially you young people. When you see someone wanting romance in a game it is immediately assumed they want some sex filled game. That is not the case. The whole parvati thing is a good example of a good clean romance story arc. And in my opinion if it was possible to implement it for npc's a few changes in dialogue could have easily made it available for players. 

  5. On 11/12/2019 at 3:07 AM, GaleWeaver said:

    The ending is kept intentionally vague as far as what The Unplanned Variable does, because the only person who knows what your character would do after the game is over is YOU. As others have pointed out, they do this in a lot of their games, like Pillars 2 and New Vegas to name a couple. The companions, however, are NOT you. They are their own individuals with their own goals and desires, and their own lives. There's nothing stopping you from extrapolating on what your character would do - in fact, that's the point. If you were playing a character that was nice and super close to the companions you made, then it obviously stands to reason that neither them or you would forget one another and would maybe even meet up for some drinks or to run some small jobs together.

    My first playthrough's ending of this game was very memorable for me. I sided with Welles and when he asked me what I was gonna do when it was all over, I simply said "I'm gonna do what always have - Whatever I want." 
    With an ending like that, you don't need anything spelled out for you, you're the architect of your own character, after all. 


    Even if a companion is his own person with desires etc. The friendships you build with people don't just vanish into thin air. That is ridiculous sure they would go their own way and do their own thing but you would hardly just suddenly forget someone existed.

  6. 14 hours ago, Theonlygarby said:

    Yeah I like relationships in games, but honestly there is no winning.  It's always not enough gay characters or too many gay characters.  I completely see why a developer would just avoid the whole thing.  


    Do you make every character bisexual?  Do you make characters have a specific orientation and lock off to different genders?


    People are so sensitive in regard to this issue.  I've never really had a game that did relationships well...

    Ye I can sort of see the dilema. The problem is society not the game tho.  Im playing a game portraying someone I'm not in real life. Maby its an age thing at my age sexual orientation is not a big deal in a game people should not confuse gaming with reality. Heck im a 44 year old strait guy and I just loved parvati as you probably have noticed regardless  of her sexual orientation. There are a lot of older people like me that see things this way and game developers should not feel preasured to shy away from dealing with sexuality. I find its mostly the younger generations that can't seem to deal with it. So ye I would love to see relationships in games. Shying away from it just make it harder in the end.

  7. 1 hour ago, Wormerine said:

    We can't have romances, because romances take time and manpower, and companions are on basic side as it is.

    ADA isn't a conscious being. That's been stated multiple times. She emulates personality but she is a computer. Previous captain developed her personality so it's a bit as if you were to program Ciri on how she interacts with you. She just continues her behaviour. If you want to roleplay a character who takes it as a serious relationship, then knock yourself out.

    True but then the first time pravati gets on the ship and ada talks she clearly states that ada is actually speaking and not emulating. Just something to think about

  8. 42 minutes ago, Theonlygarby said:

    I forgot about that. Good point.

    I think maybe, they are planning to keep your main character in sequels.  Mostly due to the super power of slowing time down, unless you are a new frozen person.  If that is the case, your future with the companions might be continued in a later game. 


    I can see your point makes sense from a gameplay perspective for future sequels. I really hope next time they add such well thought out and greatly written companions like Parvati they add some romantic options. I really don't like forming strong bonds with characters just for it to basically mean nothing in the end

  9. 4 hours ago, GhostofAnakin said:

    Did you expect everyone on your crew to move in with you and live as some big family the rest of their lives?  Even close friends move on with their lives.  I've made a lot of close friends in my life and gone through some real tough times with them (albeit we haven't saved the world -- yet), but they don't all live in my house and don't hang around me 24/7.

    No but at least stay in touch. Let me put in another way I'm like 44 and I made a group of friends about 30 odd years ago formed around a singIe thing. Its now 30 od years later and eventho people moved on with their lives got married etc. We are still all extremely close. You just don't forget as if people never existed. Now when it comes to the game with most the companions you don't deal to much but with Parvati you are a huge influence on her life and build a strong friendship I can assure you those type of friendships last a lifetime. Anyway maby I'm just sentimental. 

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  10. 3 hours ago, Theonlygarby said:

    Well if you had a similar ending to mine, you pretty much become our glorious leader.  Not much time for friends. 

    I was more surprised by how good my ending was.  New Vegas/POE always had a "you tried to do the right thing, but a bad thing happened instead.". In OW basically everything went as well as it could have.

    Thats what bothered me everything went great saved the world and then people just forget each other after spending all that time going through everything together. I just feel a group of people like that would at least stay in contact. 

  11. So I tried to play an evil bastard but that was impossible for me once I had Parvati in the party. She is probably the best companion in any game for me. Anyway she made it impossible for me to be so I found myself always turning into the good guy.  So I decided to invest heavily into all the companions and I really enjoyed all the quests for them but then came the ending and that bugged the heck out of me. I did the good ending all was well but then bam just all the companions just leave your ship and just forget who you are. So much for the friends thing from the bar on the groundbreaker. Why is there no ending where everyone lives happily as friends ? Anyway just my feelings on the matter. 

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