I want to add to this topic. I know a few Sith, Sith Lords and Dark Lords of the Sith.
(The three titles in the Sith ranking system during the era of the Rule of the strong and
However I want to know of Sith who were totally redeemed.
I Only know of two and if we think of the Dark side as a slight drug like effect, (Otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to give into it.) they were never actually tested.
Darth Vader: He was redeemed but in his redemption he died, thus he never struggled and we never found out if his strength of will would have allowed him to escape.
Ulic Qel-Droma:
so he never struggled not to Force lightening anyone who annoyed him either, I mean struggle not to use the dark. Yes of cause.
So can anyone tell me of any SITH, Dark Jedi semi possessed by Exar Kun don't count, actually Dark Jedi who don't fall the whole way don't count, Sith or above who actually redeemed and then had to struggle not to use the power that was just out waiting to be used, AND actually managed to resist.
Oh and as a marking stick, not that this is accurate, an person who can use Sith Lightening is a Sith. I know it isn't quiet accurate but it stops those who only fell slightly into the dark. btw before anyone complains Darth Vader could do Sith lightening. He does it in some of the books. They just didn't include it in the movies either cause of CG graphics problems or maybe didn't think he could do it to his own son.
Oh and to add an opinion to this, Either Exar Kun, Darth Bane or Naga Sadow should be said to be the Chuck Norris of this universe. Everyone just likes Revan, Not denying that he is cool, because you get to play as him. Its not like he made a Star explode with his force powers, Naga Shadow did, Nor did he almost totally destroy the Jedi and the Republic, like Exar, Oh and before anyone argues with this Exar did it 40 years before Revan, they were still damn recovering, Nor totally destroy all opposition like Bane did.
Wait I take that back, Yoda is the Chuck Norris of this universe.