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About Camouflageddoom

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    RPGS, shooters, many coop games as well. Hit me up.
  1. Hey, as some of you have experienced, upon getting into the room with the chairman your game crashes. For xbox people it also shuts the game down entirely and you have to start up again. This problem rattled my brain for a bit trying to find a fix, and I finally got a hold of one. I did this multiple ways to try and see if it would help me. On the same level you go into the room the chairman is in, go the opposite direction of him and wrap around along the edge of the pit till you see the artificially-made barriers used to stop you. You can actually climb onto the rails and go past the barrier to gain access to the chairman's back door to the room he is in. Go into the room slightly to deactivate your hologram, but then immediately go back out the room the way you came in from to reactivate it. Then proceed to the chairman as normal and try to initiate dialog with him. Alternatively if you have left anyone on the lower levels alive, you can get the dialog. While standing by the backdoor, find an enemy you have kept alive on the lower levels from the railing. you can shoot around them to initiate combat, or shoot them somewhere you wont instantly kill them. This will trigger a hologram disguise failed situation. Then upon killing them while you stand by the chairmans' door will also trigger the hologram to reset. You have to go through the back door because it gives you more room to step in and then out of the room. If there is another way I don't know of yet please let me know. That is how I got the scene to work. 1 /3 times did entering and exiting worked for me and 3/3 times did starting combat and killing the enemy. Also do not actually hit the button to talk to him, let him go through his script to initiate the dialog.
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