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About Rinani

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  1. Did that after making the post seeing what you guys were posting on the other reports in here. Issue 11650 It is the only bug I've found in the game so far, amazing work.
  2. The Determination ability at 100 mastery does not work as intended. It does not heal the companion in companion slot 2 when they get kills. First noticed this as Nyoka joined my party, replacing Vicar Max for the missions on Monarch. Noticed that Parvati who until then had been murdering people left and right with a flamethrower from melee range with her ability as an initiator, was suddenly either downed or ending combat with a lot lower health than she had previously. Turns out that when any companion is in slot 2, they do not get healed by the 100 Determination skill. Test case: Put one companion on passive and the other on aggressive Use their ability of initiate Back up to ensure that all aggro goes to the aggressive companion Watch companion health Test setup 1: Nyoka and Parvati Two weapon setups: Flamethrower and Light Machine Gun Mk 2, weapons switched for a total of 4 combat tests, as I initially thought it might have something to do with the Flamethrower. Result for tests: Nyoka gains health on kills, Parvati does not Test setup 2: Parvati and Vicar Max Continued the weapon switch for a total of 4 fights to confirm it. Result for tests: Parvati gains health on kills, Vicar Max does not Test setup 3: Felix and Parvati Continued the weapon switch for a total of 4 fights to confirm it. Result for tests: Felix gains health on kills, Parvati does not This is on PC, anyone on console are welcome to test my findings. Link to video showing the bug in action:
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