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Everything posted by iLkRehp

  1. If you restore the defaults and then rebind once problem avoided.
  2. Well, AHK works fine, been using it for over a decade because my fingers don't work. The game remembers all the key binds at once, so if I map Sprint to F5 and Jump to F6 and then switch them around. . .when I hit F5 I will Jump and Sprint. In addition, the display of the current key maps reverts to the default. It makes it unplayable.
  3. AHK works great to get around my limitations. The problem is when I remap sprint, crouch, or jump it doesn't reassign the key it adds that key to the other binds so now different keys all jump. In addition, when I restart the game it displays the default keys as the binds even though they've mapped onto multiple keys.
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