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Fusion Nuclear

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Posts posted by Fusion Nuclear

  1. Hello beautiful people! I have brought myself from far away systems to Deliver a important letter from my boss!

    “So while I was play this fabulous creation of a game. A thought came to mind! I wondered if consoles had keyboard and mouse support! (I’m play on Xbox) So with that thought I grabbed my keyboard and mouse and plugged them into my Xbox. Now for the part which I thought was interesting... Once the keyboard and mouse where plugged into the Xbox. I went into settings and then I pressed the left arrow key on a setting with a slider (For Example: Gamma) and it went down in percentage aka the game responded to the keyboard’s input! But when I use the mouse or any other keys other the left and right arrows, nothing works... so I would like to know if there is support but it’s not fully out yet? Or it is and I’m just not seeing it, or doing the right thing?”

    “Respectfully - Fusion Nuclear”

    If anyone has knowledge please contact my boss via Wireless!

    Translation below....

    if anyone has any knowledge please reply 

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