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Everything posted by UnknownRegions

  1. 1. I hope Obsidian gets the job. They've earned it! 2. I would like a new character. I know that they could make returns from the old characters possible. I would like to see Revan come back into the story (the Exile not so much). 3. They have to reveal the "true sith" in the next game. They have to be different in some way from other force users. They have to look awesome. 4. Whoever is making the game has to make up some sweet a** threads. 5. There has to be some neutral characters in the game (to balance out everyone else). 6. They have to make sure there aren't any missing endings to the story. 7. I can't think of any more points. by the way... that sith dude who replied to my comment above (i think it's at the end of page 13).... he was totally right... well esabia... the whole mandalore the jedi thing was just an idea but.... you're 100% correct... Revan and the Exile could be put into the new game. i wasn't saying that it was impossible to put them in the k3.... i just think that the creators of k3 won't put them into the game (not the Exile... Revan... maybe).
  2. Mandalore the Jedi? Yeah. sort of.... not Canderous though... Which is more probable.... that they'll use a brand new character or an older character (like Revan or the Exile)? Everyone has already played as both of those characters. So...everyone's views of them are different (like if they're male or female and what they look like). That's why my bet is on a brand new character =( I don't think that the Exile will be involved much in k3 because at the end of k2 Kreia gives you the choice of going to look for Revan or staying on Malachor VI to show others the way. Some people stayed behind and others went to look for Revan. Do you see what I'm hinting at? There are divided views of the characters. (i probably didn't need to say all this but... i did anyways) =P sorry 4 your waste of time... OH!!! Obsidian or Boiware??? hmmmm... OBSIDIAN!!!!!! HOW DARE ANYONE COME ON THE OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT WEBSITE AND SAY OTHERWISE!!!
  3. sorry... i didn't know. i was hoping k3 would bee released this year but.... i guess it's just not going to happen. oh well... maybe next year...
  4. Rhen Var would be a cool planet. my planet choices would be Korriban, Rhen Var, Tatooine, Telos, and some new sith planets. on the other hand, scratch Tatooine (and maybe Telos). tell me your planet choices everyone.
  5. Ummm... forgive my ignorance here, but what's microsoft got to do with KotOR 3? i think one of the companies, that makes kotor games, is owned my microsoft (microsoft might own Obsidian... i'm not sure). nice talkin to ya!
  6. very unlikely and not my favourite idea I heard around here I like to create my own character with the chance of additional races. But if they do it I would still buy the game But UnkownRegions keep posting those ideas PS: Today microsoft said they would have a big announcement at E3............so hoping for KOTOR3 Although very unlikely thanks... i'm new here. the most likely outcome for k3 will either be a completely new character or a pickup of the story of either Revan and the exile (at least I think so). what's your theory? i was so sad when they said that k3 would be delayed. you know what would be cool...? a KOTOR movie!! i also hope they finally reveal this "true sith" *ooooooo.... aaahhhhhh*. k2 was sort of annoying because of all the gaps in the story. Example: where's the HK droid factory?? but... there is a web site that is commited to fixing those gaps. if you want it i can give it to you.
  7. I've been reading some of your comments. The majority seem to like the idea of having either Revan or "the exile" as a main character. Here's an idea... how about.... a mandalorian, who went before Revan to fight the "true sith" who were causing his people to fight the republic. On the way into the Unknown Regions, his clan is killed and he gets captured (or lost). On the way, he is found (or released) by the exile, and together they find Revan and help Revan fight the true sith. Also in the story, the mandalorian finds out that he can use the force (with help from either Revan or the exile). what do you guys think??
  8. I loved Korriban! I hope they put it in K3. I hope they let you get your hands on some rare sith artifacts (like some cool holocrons).
  9. Hey! I'm new here, but I love all the KOTOR games. I have some ideas about the story line K3. I think it should be about the Mandalorian Wars. Though... I would also like to see these "true sith" (the ones Kreia wouldn't stut up about). It could also go similar to the way the movies played out (the first three in the future the next three in the past). What do you think??
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