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About DarthSith1

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Games,Movies<br /><br />And all the other stuff im too lazy to post
  1. Yea that will never happen vader and palpatine were close but no dice The Light cannot survive without the dark and vise versa
  2. "Feared, obeyed, and admired among the Sith, he was considered to have been the greatest Dark Lord of the Sith of his time. The details of his century-long reign are few, although his death marked the end of the golden age of the Sith Empire, despite his reluctance to continue expansion. Before his death, he likely composed the epistle of Marka Ragnos. Immediately following his funeral, a schism erupted between the leaders of the Sith, and further events led to a major war with the Galactic Republic and ultimately, because the schism was never healed, the end of their interstellar empire."-Wookiepedia
  3. How was that Empire powerful? It lasted barely a few decades and was brought to its knees by a small rebellion. Under Revan hundreds of Jedi Knights and the entire Republic were losing to the Sith Empire, and I'm pretty sure there were Sith Empires stronger than Revan's but I don't really know much about them, just a little bit on wokkieepedia. On another note, how was Bane free from restrictions? Or the perfect Sith? He was nothing more than a powerful Sith lord of his time, there was nothing really special about him. On ANOTHER note, it says that the Sith'ari will rule the Sith. You can hardly say he was ruling the Sith when there was only one other Sith than himself. My opinion is Marka Ragnos had the strongest rain out of the Sith so far....
  4. During the reign of Marka Ragnos
  5. Wow thats weird do you have it for a CP?
  6. lol thanks alot nihilus is my fav sith lord
  7. thanks ill try that
  8. Secound.....i was beggining to think i was the only one who hated his yacht.
  9. Every time Ponlar starts the riot my charchter uses force storm to hit all target but as soon as i do it everyone dissapears but ponlar is dead on the ground and i gain no exp.So i thought maybe its the force power messing up the game so i used my lightsaber on everyone but right when i kill the first riot person they all dissapear and ponlar is dead giving me no exp.I have tried this with a dark and light charchter but no dice. Any suggestions?
  10. Me too. I suspect Revan of deliberately falling to the dark side (unless he already was) and then become part of the true Sith to make a claim for the position of dark lord. Those in power would naturally resist this, and so civil war ensues, weakening the true Sith and buying time for the Republic. That is actually a very good plot......now if that is true it wont surprise me lol
  11. True but they were the sith none of the less. Not the true sith but their followers. But when LA gets off their lazy fannies and after Force Unleashed arrival they will work on the Kotor trilogy.
  12. Come on the man is fighting a army of aliens by himself i know revan is one of the most powerful jedi in his time but everyone needs some help one time or another
  13. I think the Sith'ari would be Revan because he runited the Sith after the Great Sith War,The came back at the end of the Jedi Civil War to destroy them,I say revan because in the game you can pick dark or light so if your dark revan reunifies the sith but it falls into civil war after he leaves. (Maybe KOTOR3 will shed more light for us)
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