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Everything posted by Pifon

  1. It's horrible... How many years LA can be busy? How many years we will have been waiting? But I feel that we will have seen K3... soon... And I don't know, why... but I feel... I've just can't belive, that LA don't want cash. K3 is a real brilliant! If it is not, why so much people waiting the game so long?
  2. hm... but why Obsidian does not create the third part of game? Why they can't complite this great project? And what does Obsidian say about it?
  3. I listen that the BioWare is working with the game... moreover, that KOTOR 3 will be MMO RPG... Is it true?
  4. I can't believe... What's the f***ing dark secret, hm? :D It's so difficult? Just tell me: "personaly for you, the next month!"
  5. Please, answer this simple question. In the all WWW I haven't found anything about it.
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