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Everything posted by Scorpion1813

  1. Yeah, I had trouble finding anything useful on the website on in the prospectus. So when I happened to be on holiday in Australia (visiting my girlfriend) we went to the uni and asked for one of the tutors to show us around and what to expect. Which they were more than happy to do and it was a great one-on-one (or rather two-on-one) experienced that allowed me to ask anything I needed, but most of it I've forgotten. Oh well, I'm sure it will all be fine and dandy when I finally move over at the end of this month.
  2. Thanks for your reply and thanks to everyone at Obsidian for taking their time to post on here. It's very much appreciated and it really does help out people like myself who are interested in infiltrating the games industry.
  3. A magical knife with insta-kill ability
  4. A few of you have mentioned being trained up after getting a job in the industry. Is this something most developers do? So after my 3 years university course (which only really gives you 1-2 years of specialized training in your area of choice) I will obviously still have no real industry experience and most likely won't be specialized enough, since a lot of companies tend to hire people with experience and years of training in their field. I guess I'm a little worried I'm not going to be good enough to get into the industry. Also, is it easy enough to get promoted to different positions if you show enough interest and determination? For more info on my course, I explained it in an earlier post, click here
  5. I have questions. See page 2 of this topic.
  6. Was that in the PSM3 mag? I think some developer here in the boards said that. Yeah it was n the magazine: "First things first: don't be fooled by Alpha Protocol's genertic lead character in these screens - he can be customised to look however you want. He's called Mike Thornton and, apart from this name, everything else can be fiddled about with, including facial features, clothing and skin tone. You'll even be able to customise his personality and reputation along the way too, but more on this later." I wouldn't know if a developer has said it on these forums or not, I only just signed up yesterday. But I guess they must have if kirottu said they have. As for influences, there seems to be quite a few, the obvious: Bourne Identity, James Bond, 24. Apparently there's a character that can be compared with the film Leon. And then there is the cover system similar to Uncharted, chat system influenced by Mass effect, etc etc etc. Obviously Obsidian will put their own unique spin on these influences and then bring them all together in such a way that's never been done before.
  7. You can change his face apparently.
  8. I really hate the words "have to", "forced", "linear", "demand" when it comes to games. This is next gen and the new generation of games it that players can play a game who they like. I do agree that a gun may be "suggested" for a specific mission because it would be a good idea to use it. But I do not want to have to use it. Apparently the missions can be completed however the player wishes, if so we should get to choose which weapons, and how many weapons we wish to take. Also, something I read in a magazine (where I first heard about this game) is that your actions effect the storyline and you may gain access to thing by playing a certain way. For example if you tend to shoot lots of people you will gain access to a contact on the black market (I'm assuming an arms dealer so you can buy more weapons). I don't see where everyone keeps coming up with the thing about being forced to change weapons and use all the weapons in the game at some point. You may carry 2-3 weapons on your characters person, therefore you mamy only be using 3 guns per mission, and you can choose to use those 3 again every mission. Or if you ration bullets, you may only need 1 gun throughout the whole game. But if ammo was limited it could replenish each mission. So for each mission you automatically start with a certain amount (this could probably work for the missions where you are working for the CIA, they would provide the ammo at the start of each mission),
  9. Thanks. The only reason I found this course is because my partner is at that uni doing a fine art/photography course. Originally she was going to move over here but she found that course and all plans turned "upside down".
  10. Oh, I was using that to explain this: Which I didn't explain very well. Sorry. what I meant was I have my favourite weapons that I would like to pre-dominantly use through the game, but if those were to run dry I would like to have the option of picking up other guns or ammo. ____ Like the above comment I must have miss-worded it or not explained it enough. I try not to ramble too much. I never said it forces or tempts people, I meant it encourages wasting ammo. This does NOT mean everyone will do this, just that more people will unknowingly and more likely stray away from the sneaking (possibly after being spotted once) and just go all out with guns. Regardless of how good the games stealth mechanics are. Just for the record, I will not be tempted by it. I prefer stealth and I absolutely hate run-n-gun! I prefer things more realistic, and one guy taking on an army in a gun battle (and not dyeing), is not realistic. Not to mention, it takes less thought to just run around and shooting everything that moves, than it does to sneak past people, maybe taking a few out if necessary. Deciding to kill, stun or leave them be. Deciding by what means would be the best for taking them out - would a silenced shot be best or is there a way to get close to them and bash them with something solid to knock them out.
  11. Ok, I only read the first post, so bare with me if I repeat things others have said. I agree with using some form of device like a mobile (cell) phone for receiving orders/info. pictures of target, downloading info from a targets computer, and maybe even using the GPS map thing. Although the GPS map thing (can't remember the proper name) is already a device in use by such special forces units as the SAS. But since this game is focused on spies, I would prefer using something less conspicuous as "spy-gadgets". So a phone or PDA may be a better option. You-know, something like an everyday gadget that doesn't stand out?! But one thing I didn't agree on was the music. I just really don't see it possible that a spy would listen to music whilst out on a mission. He would need all his senses in order to stay alive. I suggest if you wish to listen to music then use you Hi-Fi / stereo / computer, rather than asking for it to be built into the game. EDIT: Only seems I really needed to read the first post, and the last few.
  12. I got a few suggestions: Like someone said (and it would be a pretty obvious thing to do anyway) mixed styles would be great. But one thing I was thinking of, which would help customizing and personalize your character is to unlock the certain "moves" that you want for your character. So you could learn certain styles to your liking. Also, disarming enemies would be very useful. Let's say they come at you with a knife or some other melee weapon. You parry and disarm them. And if you sneak up on someone with a gun, do a move to disarm them in a none-violent way. so you steal their weapon and aim it at them, they wet their pants and beg for mercy. Players choice whether to give them mercy or not.
  13. I have my favourite weapons that I would like to pre-dominantly use through the game. For instance, the ones I take with me along for the mission. If those "run dry" Then I would need to find another weapon somewhere or stay out of sight/trouble so I don't actually need a gun. So having limited ammo would add greater depth to the gameplay, tactics, and how realistic the developers wish to make the game. As I've stated in another thread I prefer mostly realism in action games. But I'm not going to miss out on a great game if it isn't 100% realistic. But then-again, I wouldn't buy it if it isn't realistic enough. Things to consider when playing: - Do you take extra ammo at the expense of extra weight? - Do you have enough ammo to run through levels guns-a-blazin'? - Would you really go in guns blazing if the bullet damage is realistic (which I read it is), meaning you can die pretty easy?! - Can you pick up more ammo/weapons along the way? - Do you save you ammo for emergencies? - Would you really throw your gun away if you were a spy infiltrating somewhere? After all, you aren't supposed to be there and wouldn't want to leave a trace. Like I said, limited ammo can add a variation of different game play styles, where-as unlimited only ever encourages one, run-and-gun. Which in my opinion isn't really fitting for a "spy" game.
  14. I did see most of these yesterday in my July issue of PSM3 (UK), and it's after reading that article (highly praised by the way) that I thought I would hunt down more info on this game. Like I said, I did see them in the mag but it is great to see them full size and close-up. I'm the sort of person that likes a lot of realism in action games (i.e. realistic bullet damage, I don't like having to empty a full magazine into someone before they die). This more realistic genre seems to be dyeing out because developers "think" that's what players want. Anyways, to my point... And this may seem like I'm knit-picking here and I do understand the game isn't close to finished. But the gun on the characters back just seems to float there. There's no strap or anything holding it in place. I am knit-picking but from my experience reading news articles and reviews. They give high praise to good attention to little realistic details. But I'm sure these type of things are yet to be added, and thank you for the screenies!
  15. I was actually shocked in a way, but mostly amazed that you have this section. It's one thing that never really gets talked about at other companies forums (not that I have visited many). Anyway, I may need to explain my situation before asking a few things so brace yourself for wall-o-text! This year I will be moving abroad (from England to Australia), to study at Ballarat University - Certificate of Applied Computing (Games Technology) - It sounds posh but basically it covers the main areas of game development such as animation, programming, and design. It's for 3 years and a select few of the students may get something similar to a work placement in the final year. Now, a lot of you have been talking about modding, which is something I have never bothered with, mainly due to not really having such a great PC. I can't really get more than one game on it at any time. Also, my art style is more character-based (most mods are for levels or weapons, etc) So, would I need a back-up plan (such as modding), or do you think this course will be enough? Also on the course, we get to choose what area we wish to focus on. My main interest in games is to come up with ideas and have my creative vision brought to life. But I'm doubting I will be able to break into the industry as the lead designer/project lead. I'm quite artistic so I was thinking maybe I would have to start as an animator or character designer/modeller, and then work my way up to the "lead game designer/head of project". Do you think this is a more sensible route? Sorry for typing so much and asking what may seem like complex/odd questions. I'm just trying to understand how it works and what I would need to do in order to get into making my own games (already have lots of ideas). It's rare to find the chance to actually ask established games developers like yourselves. Thanks for any replies (and for anyone who actually reads all of this). P.S. in response to wanting to work for specific developers, I personally would have a shortlist of companies that make similar games to the ones I wish to make. And one day when I have enough experience and money I wish to set up my own (I'm a dreamer!).
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