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Everything posted by Jawgo

  1. Yeah, I was thinking that it's probably too late for devs to put out more updates since the game has been out for so long now. Oh well, maybe someone will make a mod someday like you mentioned. Doing something like that myself is totally out of my wheelhouse unfortunately. And yeah, maces totally look ridiculous on dwarves XD It looks like he's wielding a wand for casting spells!
  2. Really would like to see a toggle in the settings to help serve dwarves some proper weapon size justice, lest we forget that while dwarves may be shorter than humans, they're also stronger than them. And they tend to build and forge things bigger and better, so it wouldn't be weird for them to be wielding full-sized weapons
  3. And here's a couple of side-by-sides of two-handed weapons sheathed (Queen's Rule and a superb morning star)...
  4. Here's the sabre Min's Fortune...
  5. I was bored at work today so I put together a few more side-by-side screenshots I took this weekend comparing different weapons equipped on Eder and on my male dwarf main character. Here's them equipped with exceptional swords... So it's not just unique weapons that get scaled down, regular weapons do too.
  6. Hmm... First off, thank you Boeroer for the legwork and providing some screenshots. Honestly I wasn't sure anyone would even care to comment on this let alone look into, so it's cool for me to see someone take an interest! But I can tell you for sure that that's not what one-handed swords look like on my dwarf... My OCD dictated that I go and find a measuring tape and actually measure the blade length of Modwyr in the equip menu while my dwarf was wielding it and also measure the blade length on screen while Eder was wielding it in the same menu. On my dwarf the blade length on screen is 2.75 inches long, while on Eder the blade measures out to 3.25 inches long. That's a visually very noticeable difference. Even the blade widths are noticeably different. I took some screenshots to show at what angles I measured each (I positioned both characters in the equip menu the same why to show the disparities). You can clearly see in the side-by-side that the blade is longer and broader on a human, as are the cross-guard and the pommel. On Eder the blade length reaches all the way under the pet slot, whereas on my swanky dwarf it just barely reaches the edge of the box (you can put a straightedge up to the tip of each blade and parallel to the right side of each image to check for sure). Again, I have no doubt that probably many people would look at this and go "wow, who gives a fork," and I get that sentiment. This isn't a huge game-changing thing. It's just an OCD thing, and if it would be trivial for the devs to add a toggle for setting all weapon sizes to be equal to that for humans, that would rock my world! Oh, and the toggle ideally would set the size of sheathed weapons to that of humans too; I'd have a stroke if the toggle increased the unsheathed weapon size but left the sheathed weapon size tiny the way it currently is for dwarves. #HopesAndDreams ^_^
  7. Hi All, I recognize that this game has been out for over a year now and it may be too late to bring this up to any effect, but since part of the purpose of this particular forum is to discuss our "hopes and dreams" for it I thought it wouldn't it hurt to bring it up (or bring it up again if it's been discussed before). Let me start by saying that I personally think this game is bonkers good, just redic off the wall levels of care and detail and thought-out features relative to it's predecessor and relative to many other similar games. I recognize that there are some harsh criticisms of it out there relating to issues of min/maxing, weapon type balance, the AI and others, but none of that has felt like an issue to me especially considering how much of a beast this game is in terms of story, lore, world building, the writing and consistency of interactions, the voice acting, the audio and visuals, travel and exploration, and the re-tuned combat resource system. It's not hyperbolic when I say that I'm dangerously obsessed with this game right now. All that said, there is one visual design feature that my OCD won't let me not focus on constantly and bugs me to no end: weapon size scaling based on race. I love dwarves, love their typical physical and physiological design, personality and behavioral traits, their background and lore; I roll a dwarf main character in as many games as I can and their visual design in Pillars 2 is fantastically improved over what they looked like in Pillars 1, so I've been really into my dwarf playthrough... except for the fact that the visual scale of weapons shrink when equipped on a dwarf. It's particularly bad with respect to one-handed weapons. Do you love the sword Modwyr? Well if you equip her on a dwarf, the sword looks like a child's toy. Same with most other one-handed swords. Maces look like your dwarf is melee'ing with a wand. Daggers and stilettos look like you're fighting with toothpicks. And what makes these visual disparities even worse is that all weapons shrink even smaller when they are sheathed. Dwarves may be a bit shorter than humans but they're also stronger than them, as evidenced by their natural +2 Might compared to the +1 of humans. So why do dwarves have to be made to appear to need smaller weapons? They should be able to wield human-sized weapons with no problem, and I would love to see them doing so in this game. Now I'm not saying the current visual design for weapon scaling ought to be scrapped; I recognize that if you like to play an Aumaua you may dislike having your equipped weapons look too small for your body, so you like the fact that weapon sizes scale up for you. And maybe you enjoy playing an Orlan and don't want to see them carrying weapons that are comically too large for them to be wielding, so there's value in having the current visual system for weapon size scaling. What I hope and dream to see done is the addition of an option in the settings that lets you toggle race-based weapon size scaling off and on, where if you toggle the setting off then all weapons are fixed in their visual size scale to what it currently is for humans. I have no idea whether this would be something that requires a lot of technical work on the part of the devs to implement, but if it isn't something that would be that hard to do (and ya'll actually did it), it would lock this game down for me as unequivocally one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of spending hundreds of hours obsessively playing. Just think on it a little. You'd be making this old dwarf's hopes and dreams come true
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