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Everything posted by NewAeon

  1. Hi I'm posting here because obsidian is not repsonding to my emails. Perhaps someone here can be of assistance. So the forum was updated with age verification. And as I always do I set something random. I filled in january 2019 as time of birth, which makes me 0 years old, but the system thinks I'm a kid now and tells me my account will be deleted within 30 days unless I get my parents to approve my account. Now it becomes interesting since I'm over 40 years old and my parents are both no longer alive. I've sent an email to obsidian as the site suggested to rectify this, but this somehow does not garner a response. Can someone please fix this crap so I can use my account that I've used for years and years here or will I just lose it because someone felt the need to implement a system meant to insult me? My account: https://forums.obsidian.net/profile/166546-aeonslegend/ Or do I have to fill in a form that asks me all my personal information and cheat that I am my own child and fill in more personal information about myself? Answer: I will not, so I will simply lose my account, post history and any interest I have in Obsidian products in the future.
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