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Everything posted by Machiavel

  1. Really sorry to have bugged you all. Thanks for replying! Now, I should edit the title of my question...
  2. SOLVED Well, I have my answer: Basically, Yes to all: Bonuses from Force deflection and Advanced/Master jedi defense do stack, for any deflection roll. Besides, the exact same bonuses apply no matter the weapon you hold (provided you can deflect/backfire blaster bolts at all). The value of a deflection roll is: 1d20 + Base Attack Bonus + Force deflection + Advanced/Master jedi defense (+ Lightsaber form + object bonuses) For my Consular 16 / Master 9, it was 1d20 + 25 + 3 + 6 (+ 0 + 0) (The terms in parentheses didn't actually appeard in my log, I am just confident they will if applicable) Note that we use the base attack bonus, not the total one (32 in my case). So, given a combination of levels and classes, Blaster bolt deflection and attack bonus are utterly independent (this surprised me at first, but it make sense). Now, getting those results was easy: near the bottom of the Journal screen, there is a button which let me access to the logs. The logs are filtered just like the inventory or the shops item lists. All I wanted was the combat section, which is very explicit. Silly me. And sorry for the noise.
  3. Hello, everyone, There some things I don't know about blaster bolt deflection. But before I ask, let's start by what I do know (I more or less state the obious, but, just in case I am mistaken...) -> There are 3 feats and 2 powers talking about blaster bolt deflection. -> The feats are Jedi defense, Advanced Jedi defense, and Master jedi defense. -> The powers are Force deflection, and Force redirection. -> To deflect blaster bolts, one need either at least jedi defense with a lightsaber, or Force deflection. -> To backfire blaster bots at the enemy, one need either at least jedi defense with a lightsaber, or Force redirection. -> When one carry a lightsaber, Advanced jedi defense and Master jedi defense give a bonus to blaster bolt deflection (resp +3 and +6). -> When one does not carry a lightsaber, Force redirection gives a bonus to blaster bolt deflection (+3). Now, my questions. Reading the text of the power and feat, I'd answer "yes" to all, but I still have a doubt. -> Does Force redirection gives any bonus to a lightsaber wielding jedi? -> Do Advance jedi defense and Master jedi defense give any bonus to unarmed blaster bolt deflection? -> If the above is true, are these bonuses cumulative? That is, does the combination Master jedi defense plus Force redirection give a total +9 bonus to all blaster bolt deflection rolls (lightsaber or not)? -> Finally, how can I check this? I have heard about logs, but don't know how to have them. Console, maybe? Many thanks
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