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Joshua A. Perez

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About Joshua A. Perez

  • Rank
    Environmental Artist
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    Irvine, California
  • Xbox Gamertag
    Darkness Walker
  1. Best Company I have EVER WORKED FOR (No Joke here) May I see the day it turns 20
  2. I will be there for practice tomorrow dude I swear..... I wont sleep in this time.
  3. A few of you folks have asked for my website, to see works. I will post it here instead of replying individually, since my mailbox is getting full. www.scarletarmada.com I should work on new personal stuff, its been about 2 months or so, but crafting aliens is a very time consuming experience. Like Jean-Eric said, please do not hesitate to ask questions, unlike what you may think we do not get paid or whatever to come talk here to you guys, we do it because we know how hard it was/is, since most of us were on your shoes a while ago. Breaking in the industry is hard enough, so if we can give you guys a little push, the better, you know? And who knows maybe one day you might wanna apply here some day ! - J
  4. Well I came to the US about 5 years ago, my family didnt support me going into college and I fit the bill of an immigrant who is hispanic in California, barely speaks english and is just working. I immigrated LEGALLY to the US from El Salvador, I always knew I wanted to make games, but back home, this is not an option. So when the option came about coming to live in the US, I quickly POUNCED on that. Again, my family didnt support me at all going into college to "better" myself, so I financed everything 100%, even the dorm rooms, I learned english by watching Nick Jr, and playing online games, and at the time, chatrooms were still a good place to hang out. Quickly the time went by, and I had a fame in my THEN school - Art Institute of Los Angeles. But life has a way of testing you, and I could no longer live in California and go to school at the same time, while keeping a 40 hour job and going to school full time... aka... 5 classes. I paid for everything myself, books, apartment, clothes, car, everything, but like I said life in California sucks when no one else is helping you, so a friend of mine was moving to Las Vegas, which at the time was still a CHEAP CHEAP place to live, so I decided to leap on. Quickly they opened the Art Institute of Las Vegas, and then I transfered there, found a job and kept on struggling. In time, I also developed a "fame" - I guess you can call it for a lack of a better word, I was known in the school between the Animation Department for being a Hard Worker. Everything seemed fine, but near the end of my last year, one of my loans didnt go through, I decided, that I was living a dream, and resolved to go back to El Salvador defeated. One of my teachers - Lee Lanier, found this out and was able to pull some strings within the school and long story short was able to land a loan to fully pay for the rest of my schooling. I worked really really hard that year, so much that I sacrificed sleep time, sometimes, entire nights, to build a competitive reel, because if I didnt land a job right away, it was really... back home this time. My very first application ever went to Obsidian, I respected everyone's skill and unlike some people I really thought it showed on KOTORII and Neverwinter Nights, quickly Obsidian became my dream studio to work for. However, for life reasons, or experience ones, I was unable to land a job at the company. But other offers knocked in the door and I was able to land a job in the Industry with another company, before I even graduated. I was hired in the Videogame industry, my childhood dream, and they hired me while I was still a student, and had a month left. But I always kept my eye on the prize..... 2 years later and a few more personal works... I re-applied for Obsidian Environment Position. I got a call back one day, and the hiring manager, said if I could go to the company for an interview, hope was brim, but was there. At the interview I was really nervous, Sawyer was awfully quiet in the interview which made me... more nervous. But in the end, 2 weeks later, from that date, I got a call from the hiring manager, congratulating me as he told me the words I have been waiting to hear since I was a sophmore in the Art Institute. "Obsidian would like you to work for us" And that's it, it took me a while, and all my life my grandparents, uncles, and everyone really, told me to stop watching cartoons, movies, playing stupid videogames, and in reality, to start looking for a job because dreams don't pay the rent. So in closing, I would like to say to you, readers, modders, and dreamers, that yes... you can do it, you too can break into the game industry if you really want it. If a chubby guy from a 3rd world country, with a funny name can do it, so can you. And please.... keep dreaming.
  5. I will save this team guys don't worry .
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