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Everything posted by Balerion

  1. Sorry I'm late for the party! (tl;dr version at the end) I must confess that I have sinned. Reviews clouded my mind and I was putting Alpha Protocol aside for a long time. Finally bought it back in November in those damned weekend deals on Steam (my list of bought-but-haven't-played-yet games is getting stronger and stronger) and even then I was putting it aside. But I fixed it. Had vacation on Friday so decided to finally give AP a shot. Fast forward 3 days to Sunday, AP finished. I was glued to my TV the whole time. It was marvelous. I of course immediately started a new game (there's very, VERY few games that I start again right after finishing them). I love you Obsidian. I can understand the criticisms of AP, the AI can be dumb as a brick from time to time, combat isn't the best on the market, invisibility is maybe a bit overpowered, though I must say it didn't really bother me, I tried not abusing it. As for the invisibility, it seemed a bit out-of-place which bothered me more than its power. That's why I think AP should have been a cyberpunk. Like the best game ever to grace my PC. Deus Ex. But honestly, the AI didn't really bother me (Deus Ex didn't excel at AI either, didn't affect its greatness) and I personally enjoyed the combat. But the thing that did it for me was, like in KOTOR2, the dialogues, characters and the story, even though I'm not a big fan of spy stories like this one, AP still managed to make me enjoy it greatly, which says a lot. The one thing that maybe could be counted as a tiny little bit of complaint were boss fights. Not that boss fights were bad, just that I'm not a big fan of boss fights in general in games like this and AP could've been even better if they ditched them. But that's not a big deal. It's kinda funny when it comes to Obsidian (not talking about Black 'Awesome' Isle era) and me. I loved KOTOR2, which was bashed and criticized same as Alpha Protocol and I'm one of the very few people who think that KOTOR2 was as good as KOTOR1, although for different reasons (the first KOTOR lost some of it's magic after the first playthrough as the twist was already revealed, while KOTOR2 did not). And I still didn't touch their highly praised NWN2 and Fallout: New Vegas. The first NWN was a bit of a disappointment for me and after finishing it, I never came back to it. So I skipped on NWN2. But I bought it recently (again, damn you weekend deals *shakes fist*) so I'll give it a shot in the near future. Let's see if Obsidian can make me like NWN. Same goes for New Vegas. Fallout 3 was a bit disappointing, never even bothered buying the DLC for it and after finishing it I put it on my shelf to gather dust (funny, I was defending Fallout 3 before its release from the hardcore Fallout 1 & 2 fans (one of the best rpgs of course) and in the end I ended up as one of them after actually playing it), so I'm avoiding New Vegas currently as I'm afraid it's more of the same as Fallout 3. Though I'm starting to doubt my decision. It's Obsidian this time, not Bethesda. Guess I'll wait for another weekend deal. I wish Obsidian were able to do what they want and publish what they want. I'd love to see a proper cyberpunk from Obsidian. Or a steampunk. Though steampunk is kinda tricky, there's probably only one game that came close to a proper steampunk and that was Arcanum. Steampunk tends to slide very easily to corny and tasteless department. I guess I learned my lesson and next time I'll be there to help the sales sooner. I'm really interested how Dungeon Siege 3 ends up. The first one was kind of meh, never finished it, 2nd one flew by me and I basically didn't even notice its existence. Fingers crossed. tl;dr version: <3 you Obisidian and your AP. Your bashed games are the best, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
  2. 60gig ram ROFL :D I'd like to see that motherboard that can support 60gig ram considering the fact that motherboards today supports around 8 gig of ram at most back to the future mate I dare to say that it's not fault of Vista but the problem is between keyboard and chair I have 64bit Vista and only problem I have is with videos in fullscreen mode, but that can be fixed by running in window. other than that, no problems (finished it twice on vista already) do this: my computer>right click on your cd/dvd drive with kotor2>open>double click on setup.exe the problem is likely that the autoplay for some reason doesn't work, so start the setup manually like I said
  3. already tried the HQ Video Patch before, but it didn't help, even with hq videos they don't work properly in fullscreen mode in Vista, though I must say I didn't know you can resize the HQ videos hmmm will have to look into that hm will try some vista fix I found, though I'm not sure if that's gonna help when I'm already so far in the game, well it's worth a try EDIT: hm how can you resize them? I don't see anything about resizing in the readme file
  4. I can't post screens now, so I'll try to describe it ok, imagine that you are in combat, the game is paused and you select an opponent. when you select him, that small skill window pops up above his head with those 3 choice to attack: attack, power and grenade above and under each of these choices you have 2 triangles to browse through different attacks to choose from (power attack, flurry, critical strike for example) when I want to browse the attacks and choose one, I have to go with the cursor over that 'triangle' button right? normally, you go over it with your cursor, the button gets highlighted, you click left mouse button and browse the skills right? but in case of window mode, you have to go LOWER to click on something, so when I want to browse the skills, I have to go with the cursor UNDER that button to get it highlighted and be able to click it so it's like if everything was moved upwards let's use coordinates: if you have a button on X:300, Y:200 in fullscreen, you have to go with your cursor to X:300, Y:200 to click it but in window mode you have to go to X:300, Y:250 to be able to click on the same thing I hope you get what I mean, it's hard to explain, so try your imagination to help me with the explanation
  5. :D ya I'm doing that usually even in fullscreen, the dialogues are not really a problem, but I thought it'd be easier to describe it on the dialogues it's more of an issue in combat, like switching between different attacks and such when you have to click outside the little window with attacks to switch from flurry to critical strike for example
  6. I have a question (I'm sure you get a lot of them heh), I already got used to the fact that the BINK video sometimes work and sometimes don't on VISTA (when I played kotor2 first time they usually worked, and if not, restarting the game did the trick for me, though when I'm playing it 2nd time now, they just don't work at all, but that's ok, I'll try reinstalling the game) but I found out (by accident) that when I start the game on VISTA it starts in window mode (I know that I just have to change resolution to fix it and run in fullscreen) BUT when I let the game run in window mode, the BINK videos work flawlessly, without any problems and they play instantly, that's awesome BUT there's a problem, when I play in window mode the cursor is kinda messed up, and when I want to select something (like response in dialogue or action or anything) I have to go beneath the choice, it's like when in dialogue mode you have 4 options and want to choose option no.2, you have to go with cursor over the response no.3 to make the no.2 highlighted and to be able to select it with a mouse it's not a big deal, but it IS kinda annoying what I want to ask is if it's possible to somehow fix this cursor issue in window mode, if there is and I just didn't find it, pretty please with sugar on top let me know if there's not a way to fix, I'll just have to either play without videos or with messed up cursor (or pray that the videos will work at least from time to time after reinstall like before) thanks
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