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Everything posted by Kidxv

  1. Wonder what the chances are this painfully persistant bug will actually get addressed sometime before I die of old age. It's hard to contain my annoyance for things like this when Obsidian consistantly produces the same flawed and incomplete games as it is, without the added crashes. Fun during the parts that work properly, certainly, but always so very incomplete. Yeah, it's mean to say, but really it's past the time when mistakes can be politely forgiven when there's no visible attempts to correct them. I mean honestly, it's taking the modder community just to finish developing this game properly. The least obsidian could do is provide fixes to the parts it actually got around to doing itself. For anyone that's thought about non-script editing based fixes, like using the warp command to skip into the marketplace directly, or skipping into the cantina and coming back out in the hopes of bypassing the begining of the marketplace, it doesn't work. It's a script bug, one of many, based on your 20-30 hours of making your way to this point in the game, and I haven't been able to locate it yet. That said, the only 'fixes' I've seen work properly is using a save from Duxn(or earlier) and trying again, or starting over entirely. As Wikary said, it isn't based on your version or mods(if any). You've quite literally said the wrong thing at the wrong time and gotten yourself stuck. ~Ayia~
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