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About Giolon

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. I have. Just last night my Caed Nua was attacked by black slimes and other monsters.
  2. Prior to 1.05b, turning on Double Speed or Slow Speed would show text on the screen along with the key shortcut to toggle the mode off. Now, in 1.05b the key shortcut no longer shows. This is true in all 1.05b builds, even the latest 565.
  3. Issue: Alt-tabbing with the loot screen open causes the game to hang. Reproduction steps: 1) Open a loot container 2) Alt tab out of the game 3) Alt tab back to the game. Result: the game window will not respond to any mouse clicks or input, and Windows will eventually tell you the game has hung. Viewing the game's memory usage in task manager in this state will show only ~16-32MB instead of the normal hundreds. Unfortunately it doesn't happen every time, but it's definitely present in 1.05b. I'm unsure if it was in 1.04 also.
  4. I checked this, and the tooltips do show DR, but the right-click details that Anelor mentioned do not show the DR anymore.
  5. POE has a Gameplay option named similarly to an old Infinity Engine one: Auto-pause on Weapon Ineffective. The purpose of this gameplay feature has historically been to let you know when the weapon you're using to attack your target is ineffective, whether due to innate damage reduction, protection spells, or your weapon broke among others. In POE, I enabled this option because it's useful information to be alerted to, and I was confused because it was going off all the time from my very first combat encounter - nearly every round in combat with: Auto-pause: Weapon ineffective (your character name). My character's a fighter and came with a sword and I was thinking, "Are they really throwing enemies that are highly resistant to swords this early in the game?! They're just bandits!". A little later on when I was fighting a single young wolf, I paid special attention to what was going on. I finally noticed that it was only auto-pausing with the weapon ineffective message every time *I* was hit by the enemy. It's pausing to alert me that the enemy's weapon is ineffective on me. If it's intentional, this seems completely backwards and broken compared to previous implementations of the feature and for it to have any use in this game. (I posted this in general and it was suggested that I post it here in the tech support forums.)
  6. Hi, Kickstarter backer here, but first time POE poster. POE has a Gameplay option named similarly to an old Infinity Engine one: Auto-pause on Weapon Ineffective. The purpose of this gameplay feature has historically been to let you know when the weapon you're using to attack your target is ineffective, whether due to innate damage reduction, protection spells, or your weapon broke among others. In POE, I enabled this option because it's useful information to be alerted to, and I was confused because it was going off all the time from my very first combat encounter - nearly every round in combat with: Auto-pause: Weapon ineffective (your character name). My character's a fighter and came with a sword and I was thinking, "Are they really throwing enemies that are highly resistant to swords this early in the game?! They're just bandits!". A little later on when I was fighting a single young wolf, I paid special attention to what was going on. I finally noticed that it was only auto-pausing with the weapon ineffective message every time *I* was hit by the enemy. It's pausing to alert me that the enemy's weapon is ineffective on me. This seems completely backwards and broken compared to previous implementations of the feature and for it to have any use in this game. Is there some place to report gameplay bugs like this?
  7. Giolon


    I got that crap too. AAAAAAAAAAAngry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<
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