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Posts posted by nivodeus


     In TB they seem to just stick to whomever they first make contact with.


    I'm not finding this to be the case. It is however easier to snag them with the tank as they go by because you can control every move.


    Later in the game, there are few enemies who would just Leap to your backliner. Im not sure if it is specific to me, but I always start the first round buffing, meaning my team will always still clumped together. Learn the hard way when all enemies suddenly just Shadow Leap, Blind and Stunned everyone. 


    Some Spirits enemies like Shade would also teleport behind the line and attack whoever has the less AR or Deflection, which is most of the time caster and backliner. 

  2. I think in my playthrough, right after I went back to Neketaka from Ashen Maw, a.k.a visiting the Palace after Ashen Maw. Llengrath visited me right when I sail out from Neketaka, and I havent even found the Black Isle in this playthrough. Spoiler: The puzzle in the Hall of the Unseen suddenly solved by Llengrath, since she opened up all the door to reach the Sanctum LOL

  3. What do the arcane conduits and bile ducts do on him? I tried killing them at first, didn't seem to do anything so I just burned the boss. But I wonder if there was a better strategy there.

    The bile duct I assume is our friends since it was listed green instead of red, although it is more of a hindrance really. At first i thought if all of them destroyed I would game over. It does create slog zone when destroyed. The conduit seems to me allowing the Oracle to use its beam power, assuming 4 tentacle eyes and 4 conduits. 



    I did this DLC on turn based mode, and some enemies still have 1-2 skulls on them, so I supposed I was in the right level or at least close enough. The Oracle was a weird fight for me, I  mean assuming most of you did it in RTwP mode, including OP.

    First thing I did was destroying the Conduits (For some reason I just thought I have to do it first) And yes The oracle still attacked me with beam which is weird enough tankable by my Cipher MC and Eder.

    Killing or destroying the Conduits seemed to make the Oracle lost control here and now. After the first 2 turn of Beam attack from it, and after I destroy all 4 conduits, it has this Lost control debuff every few turn, where it simply didnt act. And no more beam attack from 3rd round onward. 

    After that I just smack it with Aloth ray spells and tank it with Eder.


    I had more difficulty with the adds more, especially the Skul that hit so damn hard and the Mages with crazy Aoe and Ray spells. So what i did is tank the Skuldr with offtank and melee the hell out of the Mages as soon as they spawn. 

    The rest of the fight was really just smacking the Oracle to death and with dagger that has Sacrifice skill, the one Mxnur or something (the soulbinded one), I just killed it as soon it reached Near Death. 

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  4. I think the real Old Gods do exist, i mean the Ukaizo Kingdom believe in Gods even before the Engwithan came and created the Wheels. The current Gods are more like a perversion of it maybe. I feel like they are more like an organic Soul-AI / Steward of Souls (why did the Engwithans make many of it I dont know), or maybe they just have God Complex and want to control the world / Eora, much like a type 1 Civilisation would, a full control of one own Planet and possibly star system. 


    And for Eora, Soul is what Thermodynamic Law to us, meaning controlling soul means you can control all aspect of life, such as Lights (Eothas), Water/Weather (Ondra), Temperature/Heat/Entropy (Magran/Rymrgard), Growth (Gamlawain/Hylea) and so on. 


    We have seen people can even manipulate soul, people like Lengrath, to somehow retain memories after death , and that being making you wiser and wiser each cycle, like eternal library. 

    It would be nice maybe that the plot of PoE 3 would be this real Old Gods (maybe not many, maybe only God, as mentioned by Rekke) finally making an appearance and finally takes control of this mess. 

  5. I recently played and finished the game with the DLC. During Beast of Winter, in the Sunken Kingdom, the King talked about how Ukaizo was before the Engwithan came, a vast expansive Empire in the Deafire, with many Kiths from far away land come and acknowledge him.

    And then the Engwithans (I assume) came and offer to build a machine to speak with the Gods, which in turn destroyed and bring Ukaizo to the ground. 

    The question is, was that the same machine as the Wheel of Berath, or was that the same construct Thaos use to create the Hollowborn. 

    The king did specify that the Outlander said it will let them speak with Gods, this would indicate that the idea of Gods were there even before the Engwithans construct this machine. 


    And how did they choose what Gods they want to make? I mean Skaen, Wael, Ondra. Are they the manifestation of Engwithan ideology of Gods? Because at first, I thought the Engwithans are the gods, They use the machine to extract souls and use this energy to create or transcend themselves into Gods, much like the Ancient in Original Sins 2. 

    Actually in D:OS2 they are not God, they are simply highly advanced sentient being which somehow then create the world in their images, as in the creation of Human, Elf, Dwarf and many other races. 

    This reminds me of the theorem of that ' Any extra-terrestrial sentient being with advanced enough technology is indistinguishable from God ' 

    Which then makes me wonder about Bekarna's research on Stars and the power of stars. 


    It is very convoluted for me at this point and I am confusing myself with so many theories and facts right now. 

    My current idea is, the Engwithan was not from Eora or maybe from Eora but different land (the Outlander), they then somehow 'tricked' the Huana, since they are somehow less technologically advanced (as seen in some wall drawing how the Engwithan used the Huana as basically source of soul). 

    If that so, then how come the modern Huana has covenant with the Ngati, I mean they watershaping ability comes from Ngati, so is this pre- or post Engwithan, or could it be that Huana themselves are genetically able to manipulate water and the Engwithan somehow exploited this. Since it looks like Ukaizo knew about watershaping even before the Engwithan came (as evidence shown how the ruin of Kingdom is much manipulated by water). 


    Could it be that the Gods are more like an organic AI being, used by the Engwithan to assert dominance over soul, much like what the Animancer are now doing, soul manipulation. This means, before the Engwithan's Gods, then existed an array of 'silence' Old Gods that just doesnt truly interfere much with the live of Kiths. 

    This would explain the Od Nua statue and intention, since he knew that Adra has the property like a magnet to soul. 

  6. Just recently played FS, I think Fassina might be an interesting choice, maybe on her way to scribe new magic so she can be Archmage. 

    And based on the end game story, maybe Bearn as substitute for Eder (assuming Eder would train him), or heck maybe both Eder and Bearn. 

    And Rekke definitely, and maybe one location at his homeworld or homeland. 

    A new Godlike such as Abydon, Ondra, or Rymrgard would be nice too. 

  7. I have rarely experience any memory leak and fps drop until recently when I played Beast of Winter DLC. As soon as I entered the shattered passage the memory just keep going up and up. I have to restart the game several time, but that only serve as a band-aid rather than a solution. 

    Weirdly only for this DLC have I experienced this. I played Forgotten Sanctum without a hitch. 

  8. Well, if it's not a bug, I'll be damned. I turned on the auto end turn after action thing, which I know disable most of many possible tactics, such as moving or using another free action after attacking, but I just dont seem any necessity to do that as of now, since most encounter, save some bosses, are easy enough, and pressing an extra button to end turn is kinda tedious, mostly cos I havent found a good shortcut key for it yet. My Space button is for my pause and my other mouse button is reserved for weapon info, which I used fairly often. 


    I always get used to the idea that in any turn based game, you only do stuff during your turn. Part of me wish it was a bug, but I think this could also be an interesting gameplay mechanic to a normal turn base game, as in you can somehow still react to what enemies gonna do to your character even not during your turn, of course to some extent.

    It could be a boon, it could also be something exploitable. I guess we'll see. 

  9. I agree with arkteryx, the ability to buff different free spells on wizard is very helpful, especially in turn base. Maybe something like any free action that deal damage can only be used once per turn. 

    As for the Black jacket subclass, a simple limitation such as free action with a cooldown might help here.


    Something that I notice as well, regarding free action, there is some bug regarding free action on enemies, Some enemies have been observed to use their free action during player turn, such as changing stance. I encounter this very often when fighting enemies fighter, that during my turn, when I about to attack them (still within my turn) they immediately change stance from offensive into defensive, which sometimes can turn my attack into miss or graze.


    It might not be such a big thing, but there is definitely something weird happening here. 

  10. Based on my current playthrough, something I notice that most of effect proc of unique item is very insignificant. Since in turn base (with current initiative system), each char can only act once or attack once, some unique item weapon procs become quite insignificant due to low percentage. I see some items with 1% or 5% proc. 10 % is still something debatable.


    However, anything below 10% feels very weak in the current turn based system, where char can only act once, the probability for such effect to occur is quite rare, hence the unique item become rather, useless in a way. Unless the current initiative system is reworked or rebalanced, most of unique item proc would be rarely seen. 


    Some beneficial affliction, such as Minoleta Piercing's Sigil can last up to 10 round, whereas the counter spell for it such as the cleansing flame, only reduce 1 round of it for being a tier 7 priest spell, makes the spell somehow less desirable, since any beneficial affliction that last less than 5 turns is kinda not worthy of such counter spell. 


    I do realize this might be something of a personal taste, but I do believe something sort of balance can be worked on here. 



  11. Interesting. I interpreted the base chanter's "1 round active, 1 round linger" to indicate that the base (non-troubadour) chanter can always have 2 songs up all the time -- the one you are currently chanting, and the lingering one from the previous round. Am I wrong about that?

    This is my interpretation as well, meaning I can always go back and forth between 2 phrases and benefit from both. Wasnt that the case? It's really hard to see the chanter effect in this game compared to the first game. I remembered the first game has some sort of AoE musical note around the perimeter of their chanting. Right? 

  12. The auto engagement works for enemies, at least from one fight I observed against the Ironclad, where he just automatically engaged Eder, and sadly it doesnt work for us, unless we manually pick the enemies, yes, even after attacking and moving, as long as the turn doesnt end. (I turn on auto turn, which makes my tank most of the time not engaging anyone lese beside the on he is attacking) 


    As for enemies, it seems to work most of the times, as long as we walk within their engagement coverage. There is also a possibility that the coverage area simply too small or not calculated correctly in turn base mode, since the pathing system itself still kinda worked weirdly. It might be nice to maybe add some sort of engagement area circle to each character that have engagement capabilities. 


    Some games like Divinity has some sort of circular area around the char whenever someone get close to them (this works as some sort of proximity beacon and kind of indicator if you would be walking to close and might then trigger an engagement). 


    At least few things are certain:

    1. Enemies always auto engage when you get close to them, but it doesnt work the other way around.. My Eder supposed to engage enemies but they seem to just pass by him, even when they walk truly close to him. and just walk right to my back liner mages. 


    2. For player, moving close doesnt trigger engagement as well, especially after triggering The defense stance from Fighter class. In my playthrough my Swashbuckler Eder, with +1 engagement from Rogue passive and Shield equipped.

    Sometimes he engages 2 enemies, but most of the time only the attacked enemy will get engaged, even when other enemies get close to Eder and attacking him, he still only engage one enemy, despite the passive and shield. 

  13. The worst part is that it doesn't always seem to happen. Not even with the same spell. When I cast Chill Fog across two rounds, sometimes it does cost me both actions and sometimes it doesn't. I haven't figured out yet what's causing this.

    What i found, since it based on the highest initiative in the entire round, meaning if there is no one with higher initiative than your added spell cast time, then it would be sent to next round. Here there is some weirdness, sometimes I cast a spell and it applies in the next round and still getting another attack for that round, and sometimes I just lose the opportunity to attack in the round my previous spell was casted.


    But for most point is that as the battle prolong and enemies using more and more action, meaning there are enough character with higher initiative than your spell initiative, which then makes you able to cast spell almost immediately or after 2 3 enemies get their turn.

  14. Intelligence is useless on duration because it is rounded down which means you need 20 intelligence to get extra round on most buffs. Having 20 int or 7 int wont make difference on most durations.

    at the moment, what INT does is simply for larger AoE, I have Tekehu druid, casting Foe Only magic that encompasses most of the map is kinda insane. For now I stat INT at normal default value of 10 for my main. 

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