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Everything posted by cralexns

  1. Finished KOTOR2 not long ago, am looking forward to this mod!
  2. Personally I believe I used mind trick on the guard to let me in, if you haven't invested enough points for that method to work then I've read somewhere that the little critter (forgot what those small squiky ones are called) standing by the hallway should be able to get you the password.
  3. Bastila and Aribeth are two of my favourite bitches. Bastila's hotness rated by me would be around eight, I think. Her physical appearance is very nice and I like her looks but a lot of the appeal to this character also comes from her voice and personality in my opinion. I know she comes off as very bitchy (which has been mentioned a fair amount of times already) but there was just something about her whole attitude that I found cute - besides I wouldn't be reluctant to "deal" with her, to put her in line if she got too carried away. Appearance: 8 I find her fairly attractive as a game character, certainly doesn't look hideous! Voice 10 I love the British accent. Personality 7 Albeit slightly annoying, she isn't too bad and her little encounter with Mission shows she isn't as stuck-up and humourless as she likes to make you think. That scene also genuinely made me laugh IRL, something that is rarely achieved by "game humour". She opened up by trashing all over my (your) operation in the start of KOTOR by "taking command" but she wasn't so full of herself as to not being able to admit her mistake when Revan and Carth speaks up against her in the scene after the podrace - just another hint that she's not all bad. So... that would be an average of 8 which was the rating I gave her in the opening of this post! Also a sidenote and slightly off-topic (I apologize), I got thinking about other great female characters in games and the chick from Unreal 2 sprung to mind, she was fairly attractive and likeable as well - Quick google to help me remember her name: It was Aida!
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