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About DuskXIV

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    Malachor V
  1. I shall strive forth from this day with my newfound knowledge, knowing that I am better for it! Well thank you, but, despite your preference for guardians (which is perfectly valid!) your comment regarding consulars was still criminal.
  2. shadowplay u might benefit from playing the game once as a consular. "... or running away like a consular would"!!!? Consulars are NOT pathetically weak. If there's too many enemies then insanity can come in very useful but normally just force storm used twice will neutralise an army. (I do not exaggerate.) My last character had CON 8 DEX 8 and his enemies tended to die without landing a single hit. No stims, no shields, no meds. In answer to the question of how to start a new character a high intelligence is pretty useless but opens up interesting dialogue so i'd suggest at least 14. Other than that take your pick.
  3. I'm certainly not wasting my time, it's important to me. My current character is lv11 with 166 fp and yet i run out of force half-way through every big battle. So if anyone knows what modifiers are related to fp regeneration (: eg, wisdom?) i'd like to hear it. PS: I'm perfectly aware that fp regen is significantly slowed during a battle, but my last character never had it this bad.
  4. I'm trying to find out what are the factors that increase/decrease the rate of FP regeneration, and, if it's not too ambitious, exactly how much those factors have an effect. If anyone knows at least what factors are relevant, that would be great.
  5. wheres the infinite xp glitch on nar shaddaa?
  6. I have this problem too. It does not appear specific to any point in the game, it just comes at random (as far as i can tell) and then after giving u the absolute ****s for an hour or so it goes away.
  7. yeah that'd be it. i was neutral-dark for most of it, a bit darker towards the end but not much. gee consulars r great even without much ds inclination my force came back so fast i could pretty much keep up force storm indefinately (not that i needed to, most enemies died in 2 hits even on difficult) which leads me to another question - why does it say, on the character creation screen, that consulars are for advanced players only? i'd say theyre the easiest class cause the force powers are so good
  8. uhh... i just finished the game, but the damn thing never let me choose a prestige class! I was lv25 consular at the end, that's it! I kept trying to speak to Kreia but nothing came of it. Whats up here???
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