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Everything posted by Twilights

  1. Ok I dont think I worded my last topic right so I'll try it this time. I've gotten a lot of influence with HK-47 and now he talks about killing Jedis. When I ask him how he kills Jedi I get an -Influence Failure- and he wont tell me. Well, I wont be able to get influence for him for a long time and I'm DIEING to know what rewards he gives you when he teaches you how to kill Jedi. I heard you get stat bonuses and other rewards but I want to know the specific stats and other rewards. So please, what rewards can you get from HK-47 from him teaching you this stuff?
  2. Well I wasn't sure if I could say things like that because they're kind of like secrets or something like that. I cant really explain it well. Also, there are still people who may have just purchased the game and keeping the storyline out would be wise for them. There could be ppl just browsing the forum, not creating accounts, and just reading post and may not be happy with the storyline being blown for them. And my party usually involves 2 melee and one ranger. I made the Mandalorian a ranger so it kind of screws with my arrangement.
  3. Ok so I wanted to keep the Mandalorian inside my party but I heard that HK-47 has some beneficial rewards if you influence him enough. So basically, whats this rewarding thing that I hear HK-47 posseses? I just wanted to know when I could switch him out so I can use my Mandalorian while getting the rewarding thing from HK-47.
  4. I've made a lot of files in this game but usually I always get to a point where my game crashes and I cant leave a planet or get past a hallway. Well, a year later I decided I wanted to start playing again but before I do is there anything I should know before I play so my game doesnt end up crashing at a certain point? By things to know I mean like, download patches, go to planets in a certain order, not doing something in the game, those types of things. Thanks for all the help. If my question wasn't clear enough please tell me.
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